class CustomView: UIView {
var imageView: UIImageView!
var titleLabel: UILabel!
var detailLabel: UILabel!
struct ViewLayout {
let imageFrame: CGRect
let titleFrame: CGRect
let detailFrame: CGRect
func generateLayout(bounds: CGRect) -> ViewLayout {
// Since a size is not specified, sizeThatFits is called on imageView with a
// size of 10,000 x 10,000 this allows the image to be as large as it can.
var imageFrame = imageView.layout(
Leading(equalTo: bounds.leading(layoutMargins)),
let maximumImageWidth = CGFloat(50.0)
if imageFrame.width > maximumImageWidth {
// This time a size is specified, this attempts to make sure that the image
// doesn't push the UILabels off the edge of the parent view.
imageFrame = imageView.layout(
Leading(equalTo: bounds.leading(layoutMargins)),
Width(equalTo: maximumImageWidth),
Height(equalTo: round(maximumImageWidth * imageFrame.inverseAspectRatio))
// The title fits between the image and the trailing edge of the superview.
// A capline is the line that marks the top of a capital letter for the
// UILabel's current font.
let titleFrame = titleLabel.layout(
Leading(equalTo: imageFrame.trailing, constant: 8.0),
Trailing(equalTo: bounds.trailing(layoutMargins)),
let detailFrame = detailLabel.layout(
Leading(equalTo: titleFrame.leading),
Trailing(equalTo: titleFrame.trailing),
Capline(equalTo: titleFrame.baseline(font: titleLabel.font), constant: 8.0)
return ViewLayout(
imageFrame: imageFrame,
titleFrame: titleFrame,
detailFrame: detailFrame
override func sizeThatFits(size: CGSize) -> CGSize {
let layout = generateLayout(size.rect())
// Find the fitting height from the layout frame that is farthest toward the bottom, then
// add in the layoutMargin bottom if needed to find the true height.
let maxBottom = max(layout.imageFrame.bottom, layout.detailFrame.baseline(font: detailLabel.font))
return CGSize(width: size.width, height: maxBottom + layoutMargins.bottom)
override func layoutSubviews() {
// In most cases the layout code can be shared between sizeThatFits and layoutSubviews.
let layout = generateLayout(bounds)
imageView.frame = layout.imageFrame
titleLabel.frame = layout.titleFrame
detailLabel.frame = layout.detailFrame
DrapierLayout is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.