Object detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection:
Objects as Points,
Xingyi Zhou, Dequan Wang, Philipp Krähenbühl,
arXiv technical report (arXiv 1904.07850)
Backbone | AP / FPS | Flip AP / FPS | Multi-scale AP / FPS |
Hourglass-104 | 40.3 / 14 | 42.2 / 7.8 | 45.1 / 1.4 |
DLA-34 | 37.4 / 52 | 39.2 / 28 | 41.7 / 4 |
ResNet-101 | 34.6 / 45 | 36.2 / 25 | 39.3 / 4 |
ResNet-18 | 28.1 / 142 | 30.0 / 71 | 33.2 / 12 |
Backbone | AP | FPS |
Hourglass-104 | 64.0 | 6.6 |
DLA-34 | 58.9 | 23 |
Backbone | FPS | AP-E | AP-M | AP-H | AOS-E | AOS-M | AOS-H | BEV-E | BEV-M | BEV-H |
DLA-34 | 32 | 96.9 | 87.8 | 79.2 | 93.9 | 84.3 | 75.7 | 34.0 | 30.5 | 26.8 |
All models and details are available in our Model zoo.
Please refer to INSTALL.md for installation instructions.
We support demo for image/ image folder, video, and webcam.
First, download the models (By default, ctdet_coco_dla_2x for detection and
multi_pose_dla_3x for human pose estimation)
from the Model zoo and put them in CenterNet_ROOT/models/
You can add --debug 2
to visualize the heatmap outputs.
You can add --flip_test
for flip test.
To use this CenterNet in your own project, you can
import sys
CENTERNET_PATH = /path/to/CenterNet/src/lib/
sys.path.insert(0, CENTERNET_PATH)
from detectors.detector_factory import detector_factory
from opts import opts
MODEL_PATH = /path/to/model
TASK = 'ctdet' # or 'multi_pose' for human pose estimation
opt = opts().init('{} --load_model {}'.format(TASK, MODEL_PATH).split(' '))
detector = detector_factory[opt.task](opt)
img = image/or/path/to/your/image/
ret = detector.run(img)['results']
will be a python dict: {category_id : [[x1, y1, x2, y2, score], ...], }
python src/ave_var.py #get the mean and variance of the input images
and fill them in BU.py(line 16&18) -
python src/merge_json.py #get the json files
, which will generated in /data/BU/annotations/ -
add our own dataset BU in (already set) opts.py & dataset_factory.py
change the num_class in BU.py
python main.py --exp_id coco_res18 --batch_size 5 --lr 1.25e-4 --gpus 0 --load_model ../exp/ctdet/coco_res18/model_best.pth
The network applied now is the res_18, which could be changed in opts.py to gain higher percision.
python demo.py --demo ../data/JPEGImages/ --load_model ../exp/ctdet/coco_res18/model_best.pth
The output images will be saved in imaged_rj or imaged
python test.py --load_model ../exp/ctdet/coco_res18/model_best.pth --non_prefetch_test
For the project's application in C++ version(maybe...), the format of ret could be changed. There are two formats of ret, which could be chosen in msra_resnet.py
After installation, follow the instructions in DATA.md to setup the datasets. Then check GETTING_STARTED.md to reproduce the results in the paper. We provide scripts for all the experiments in the experiments folder.
If you are interested in training CenterNet in a new dataset, use CenterNet in a new task, or use a new network architecture for CenterNet, please refer to DEVELOP.md. Also feel free to send us emails for discussions or suggestions.
- Keras Implementation: keras-centernet from see--.
- CenterNet + DeepSORT tracking implementation: centerNet-deep-sort from kimyoon-young.
- Blogs on training CenterNet on custom datasets (in Chinese): ships from Rhett Chen and faces from linbior.