- It contains some useful resources in economics.
- Some resources are friendly with Mandarin-speaking users like me.
The different fields can be found here
The collections for codes and coding skills can be found here
The collections for data and some replication codes can be found here
Comments are welcome.
jianqihuang02 [at] gmail [dot] com
Causal Inference: Scott.
The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality: Containing R, Stata, and Python codes.
Applied Empirical Methods https://github.com/paulgp/applied-methods-phd: designed for graduate students learning econometric methods using empirical research.
Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics with R
Statistical Tools for Causal Inference other useful resource given by writter is here
Econometrics (Master in Econ, 1st year): Jean-Marc Robin(Science Po)
Probability and Statistics (Master in Econ, 1st year): Jean-Marc Robin(Science Po)
Statistical Inference via Data Science https://moderndive.com/
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis https://bookdown.org/content/3686/
STAT545:Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R
https://www.statlearning.com/ The classic book: An Introduction to Statistical Learning.
Statistics Inference: Data Analyst Handbook
Statistical Inference via Data Science https://moderndive.com/ using R and tidyverse to do statistical inference.
Bayesian Stats: using Julia to apply Bayesian Statistics.
Using Spatial Data with R: a quick introduction to spatial data with R.
Spatial Data Science: Getting a deeper learning in Spatial Data Science.
Computational and Inferential Thinking it is full of statistic methods to do data science.
https://socviz.co/index.html#preface Data Visualization
https://tellingstorieswithdata.com/ Telling stories with data.
Data Science for Economists: using R.
Data Science for Economists and Other Animals introducing the core R usuage in Econ.
Computational Economics for PhDs: using Julia in the field of economics is getting more and more popular. written by Florian Oswald.
Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Numerical Analysis
Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics with R written by Eric Zivot
- Economic Networks THEORY AND COMPUTATION written by John Stachurski and Thomas J.Sargent.
Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo’s online course at PSE https://www.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/en/news/from-may-24-to-june-4-watch-abhijit-banerjee-and-esther-duflo-s-online-course/#partie1
Search and Matching in Macro and Finance Virtual Seminar Series https://sammf.com/
Useful ML tools for empirical researchers https://www.nber.org/lecture/summer-institute-2018-meet-randomistas-useful-ml-tools-empirical-researchers Development Economics Masters Lecture by Esther Dulfo
XMU has some lectures on Bilibili, like The Advanced Econometric, Introduction to Nonparametric Analysis in Time Series Econometrics.
Macroeconomics (FDU) Zhiwei Xu
Lectures in Recursive Economic Dynamics: Peter Galbács
Advanced Macroeconomics I taught by Professor Gertler
Advanced Macroeconomics: Models with Heterogeneous Agents José Víctor Ríos Rull and Wei Cui
Advanced macroeconomic analysis: JENNIFER LA'O(Columbia Business School)
https://web.sas.upenn.edu/schorf/classes/ VAR estimation
Forecasting: Principles and Practice: the classic book in time-series analysis.
Graduate Macro Theory II taught by Eric Sims(University of Notre Dame)
Econometrics: First year graduate level econometrics notes with embedded examples using the Julia language.
Advanced Topics in Trade taught by Heiwai Tang
Quantitative Dynamic Model taught by Daniel XU.
Empirical Methods for Industrial Organization taught by Matthew Shum(Caltech).
Organizational Economics II taught by Daniel Barron(Northwestern).
Dynamic Fiscal Policy in Political and International Economies:
Political Economy of Development: it is a online book built by Bookdown, has some great material in development field.
https://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/search?q=advice: the research suggestions from Greg Mankiw.
https://blogs.ubc.ca/khead/research/research-advice: collected research advice by Keith Head.
https://sites.google.com/site/mounirkaradja/resources: Tips and resources for research.
https://sites.google.com/view/kleintob/ph-d-students: Academic writing, communicating and many other things.
A practical guide of the first years (for outsiders) from insiders
Impactful Research https://truan.github.io/resources/
Productivity and work habit https://www.patrickbaylis.com/posts/2022-02-09-productivity/2022-02-09-productivity?continueFlag=5b129f8aac804b43a5524c23d36869e8
Resources on Computation: Compiled by Gabriel Mihalache