A set of data visualization resources to accompany the Data Visualization in R and Interactive Data Visualization in R with Shiny workshops at Johns Hopkins University.
- Data Visualization - A practical introduction - The online version of Kieran Healy's book on data visualization in R.
- Data Visualization with R - Data Visualization with R by Rob Kabacoff. Focused mostly on ggplot2, but also covers interactive data visualization and spatial data visualization in R.
- R Graphics Cookbook - A practical guide that provides more than 150 recipes to help you generate high-quality graphs quickly, without having to comb through all the details of R’s graphing systems.
- ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis - Hadley Wickham's (ggplot2 creator) book on ggplot2.
- Mastering Shiny: Build Interactive Apps, Reports & Dashboards Powered by R - Hadlley Wickham's open-access textbook on Shiny. This book covers both introductory concepts in Shiny all the way to advanced concepts that allow you to build maintainable and performant apps.
- R powered web applications with Shiny - ZevRoss's Shiny tutorial, with 40 example apps. This tutorial provides an in-depth understanding of the Bootstrap grid system that Shiny utilizes to enable mobile-friendly apps.
- Creating Publication Quality Base R Graphics - A tutorial on creating publication quality graphics using just the base R plot function.
- Visualizing COVID-19 - Visualize the rise of COVID-19 cases globally with ggplot2.
- Data Carpentry - Data visulization with ggplot2 - A tutorial in ggplot2 focused on ecology data.
- The Complete ggplot2 Tutorial - An advanced ggplot2 tutorial that covers modifying components, aesthetics, legends, and plot style. Also included is a library of 50 ggplot2 visualizations, with code, for 8 categories: Correlation, Deviation, Ranking, Distribution, Composition, Change, Groups, and Spatial Data.
- Tufte in R - Producing plots in the style of Edward Tufte in R.
- RStudio Shiny Tutorial - A three-part video tutorial, with accompanying slides and code, by the creators of Shiny. This is an excellent starting place for learning and improving your understanding of Shiny.
- R Graph Gallery - A gallery of hundreds of charts in R, with the corresponding code to reproduce them. A great place to see the vast diversity of plots that can be generated in R using a number of libraries such as ggplot2.
Awesome-RShiny - A curated list of awesome Shiny resources, including resource guides, tutorials, galleries, app examples, and app sharing and hosting.
Awesome Shiny Extensions - A curated list of R pacakges that offer extended UI or server components for Shiny, allowing for enhanced functionality and aesthetics over base Shiny apps.
shinyapps.io - Share your Shiny applications online. Up to five apps can be shared publicly using a free account.
Shiny Galler - R Studio's gallery of Shiny apps, both official demos designed to highlight specific Shiny features and a showcase of user submitted Shiny apps.
- ggplot2 - A powerful data visulization library in R, based on the Grammar of Graphics.
- ggprism - The ggprism package provides various themes, palettes, and other useful functions to customise ggplots and give them the ‘GraphPad Prism’ look.
- ggfortify - This package offers functions to allow automatic visualization of statistical results of popular R packages in ggplot2.
- visdat - Create preliminary exploratory data visualisations of an entire dataset to identify problems or unexpected features using 'ggplot2'.
- DataExplorer - Library for conducting exploratory data analysis, including identifying dataframe memory usage and visualizing missing observations.
- RGL - A library for visualizing 3D scatterplots, good for visualizing multivariate data in 3D.
- plotly - An interactive data visualization library in R that can be used to visualize 3D scatter plots, line plots, surface plots, mesh plots, streamtube plots, isosurface plots, and tri-surf plots.
- plotly - An interactive data visualization library in R for producing interactive, publication-quality graphs.
- Shiny - Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R.
- leaflet - Integrate and control Leaflet interactive JavaScript maps in R.
Choosing between ggplot2 and base R graphics is not straightforward. Your choice of graphics library will depend heavily on your application and need. These articles are not meant to persuade you in choosing a particular graphics library, but instead help identify some common pitfalls with choosing a library without considering your application and audience.
- Why I don't use ggplot2 - JHU professor Jeff Leek's opinion on why he doesn't use ggplot2.
- Why I use ggplot2 - David Robinson's rebuttal to Jeff Leek, arguing in favor of ggplot2.
- Comparing ggplot2 and R Base Graphics - An objective comparison of ggplot2 and R base graphics.
- Tidy Tuesday Visualization Challenge - TidyTuesday is a weekly social data project, organized by the R4DS Online Learning Community. Each week a new dataset is released, and your challenge is to to clean and visualize it!