Review the bootstrap scripts.
To pull ssh-private-keys with chezmoi update
, bitwarden-cli (bw) must be installed, logged in, and unlocked with BW_SESSION set.
Use chezmoi to harmonize all the things.
- starship
- neovim (w/lazy
- wezterm
- common color theme: catppucchin-mocha
- common f/w font: firacode nerd 3.0.2
- ssh private keys (requires bw-cli)
Settings Sync Outside of dotfiles:
- automated bootstrap
- eza replaces ls/dir
- fzf for history and completions
- podman
- email / notes
- oc, kubeadmin, helm
- other cross-platform apps with portable configs
- 010 editor
- adobe junk
- wondershare
- parallels
- simplify3d
- signal?
All of these are tested with, and require, root or admin access. Mostly for the package managers. If no versions are listed, it means the application updates itself and does not rely on a package manager.
✅ : included in dotfiles or settings / no config required ✔️ : tested working settings in dotfiles ➖ : not tested ✖️ : broken choco: chocolatey sa-i : standalone-install
platform/shell | chezmoi | starship | vscode | nvim | lazy | wezterm | vivaldi | color theme | font | ssh | bw-cli | bootstrap |
MacOS (M3) Sonoma 14.3 [zsh 5.9] | ✔️ 2.46.0 homebrew | ✔️ 1.17.1 homebrew | ✔️ sa-i (dmg) | ✔️ 0.9.5 LuaJIT 2.1.1703358377 homebrew | ✅ | ✔️ 20240203-110809-5046fc22 homebrew | ✔️ 6.5.3206.59 homebrew | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ OpenSSH_9.4p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6 | ✔️ 2024.1.0 npm | ➖ |
Windows 11 Enterprise (x64) 10.0.22621 [pwsh 7.3.6] | ✔️ 2.35.0 choco | ✔️ 1.15.0 choco | ✔️ choco | ✔️ 0.9.1 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 choco | ✅ | ✔️ 20230712.72601.0 choco | ✔️ choco | ✅ | ✔️ choco | ✅ OpenSSH_for_Windows_8.6p1, LibreSSL 3.4.3 | ✔️ 2023.7.0 choco | ➖ |
Debian 12 (aarch64) [zsh 5.9] | ✔️ 2.35.0 sa-i (curl) | ✔️ 1.15.0 sa-i (curl) | ✔️ sa-i (dl-deb) | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ 20230712-072601-f4abf8fd flatpak | ✔️ sa-i (dl-deb) | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2, OpenSSL 3.0.9 | ✔️ 2023.7.0 (npm) | ➖ |
NixOS Unstable (x64) (Jul 2023) [zsh 5.9] | ✔️ 2.34.3 nixpkgs |
export XCURSOR_THEME=Adwaita
for debian fix needs to be applied BEFORE launching wezterm- test various self-contained development environments
- integrate nix, somehow..
- document and test shell enhancements, like fzf, exa, etc.
- also tested on Win11 ARM64 (Parallels on M2)20240203-110809-5046fc22
- portable zsh completions, unified completions (pwsh, zsh, ?)
- script to check dev-env versions (is python the same here before you start developing?)
- autoupdate lazy vim plugins?