A ppt is included in which the project problem and solution done is mentoned. Install all the dependencies fot Python3 before running the Python3. The app supports Hndi and English languages. ScreenShots Included.
For more info watch the demo video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i-BnNPBIwkIJHuBIazyKW9Vp7WlHrKTf/view?usp=sharing
- Clone the repository.
- Open in Android Studio.
- Play from the app.
- Run hack.py file in python3
- Pyrebase(python)
- Numpy(python)
- SKlearn(python)
Please run the hack.py before using the Energy Prediction in the Android App. The python code establishes a server between the Android App and the machine learning model.
Please run the hack.py before using the Enery Prediction in the android app. The python code establishes a server between the Android App and the machine learning model.