See for an overview.
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Service Stack is a high-performance .NET web services platform that simplifies the development of high-performance REST (JSON, XML, JSV, HTML, MsgPack, ProtoBuf, CSV) and WCF SOAP Web Services.
This example is also available as a stand-alone integration test:
//Web Service Host Configuration
public class AppHost : AppHostHttpListenerBase
public AppHost() : base("TODOs Tests", typeof(Todo).Assembly) {}
public override void Configure(Container container)
container.Register(new TodoRepository());
//REST Resource DTO
public class Todos : IReturn<List<Todo>>
public long[] Ids { get; set; }
public Todos(params long[] ids)
this.Ids = ids;
[Route("/todos", "POST")]
[Route("/todos/{Id}", "PUT")]
public class Todo : IReturn<Todo>
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public int Order { get; set; }
public bool Done { get; set; }
public class TodosService : Service
public TodoRepository Repository { get; set; } //Injected by IOC
public object Get(Todos request)
return request.Ids.IsEmpty()
? Repository.GetAll()
: Repository.GetByIds(request.Ids);
public object Post(Todo todo)
return Repository.Store(todo);
public object Put(Todo todo)
return Repository.Store(todo);
public void Delete(Todos request)
//no code-gen required, can re-use above DTO's
var restClient = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
List<Todo> all = restClient.Get(new Todos()); // Count = 0
var todo = restClient.Post(
new Todo { Content = "New TODO", Order = 1 }); // todo.Id = 1
all = restClient.Get(new Todos()); // Count = 1
todo.Content = "Updated TODO";
todo = restClient.Put(todo); // todo.Content = Updated TODO
restClient.Delete(new Todos(todo.Id));
all = restClient.Get(new Todos()); // Count = 0
$.getJSON(baseUri, function(todos) {
alert(todos.length == 1);
Calling the TODO REST service from Dart JsonClient
var client = new JsonClient(baseUri);
.then((todos) => alert(todos.length == 1) );
That's all the application code required to create a simple REST web service.
If you have NuGet installed, the easiest way to get started is to install ServiceStack via NuGet:
ServiceStack with Razor Support: Create an empty ASP.NET Web or Console Application and (.NET 4.0+)
ServiceStack binaries only: Minimal installation of ServiceStack containing only the core-binaries (.NET 3.5+)
If you just want ServiceStack hosted at /
- Create an empty ASP.NET Web Application and
Otherwise if you want to host ServiceStack Side-by-Side with MVC: Hosted at /api
- Create an empty MVC Web Application and
To help get started you should also clone the ServiceStack.Examples projects (includes dlls, demos and starter templates):
git clone git://
Alternatively if you want keep up with the latest version and not use NuGet, simply clone this repo:
git clone git://
GitHub has disabled its download feature so currently NuGet is the best way to get ServiceStack published releases. For environments that don't have NuGet installed (e.g. OSX/Linux) you can still download the published binaries by extracting them from the published NuGet packages. The url to download a nuget package is:{PackageName}/{Version}
So to get the core ServiceStack and ServiceStack.Text libs in OSX/Linux (or using gnu tools for Windows) you can just do:
wget -O ServiceStack
unzip ServiceStack 'lib/*'
wget -O ServiceStack.Text
unzip ServiceStack.Text 'lib/*'
which will download and extract the dlls into your local local lib/
Release notes for major releases
ServiceStack includes source code of the great libraries below for some of its core functionality. Each library is released under its respective licence:
- Mono (License)
- Funq IOC (License)
- Fluent Validation (License)
- Mini Profiler (License)
- Dapper (License)
- TweetStation's OAuth library (License)
- MarkdownSharp (License)
- MarkdownDeep (License)
Similar Open source .NET projects for developing or accessing web services include:
- Nancy Fx - A Sinatra-inspired lightweight Web Framework for .NET:
- Fubu MVC - A "Front Controller" pattern-style MVC framework designed for use in web applications built on ASP.NET:
- Rest Sharp - An open source REST client for .NET
Follow @ServiceStack and +ServiceStack for project updates.
- mythz (Demis Bellot) / @demisbellot
- arxisos (Steffen Müller) / @arxisos
- desunit (Sergey Bogdanov) / @desunit
A big thanks to GitHub and all of ServiceStack's contributors:
- bman654 (Brandon Wallace)
- iristyle (Ethan Brown)
- superlogical (Jake Scott)
- itamar82
- chadwackerman
- derfsplat
- johnacarruthers (John Carruthers)
- mvitorino (Miguel Vitorino)
- bsiegel (Brandon Siegel)
- mdavid (M. David Peterson)
- lhaussknecht (Louis Haussknecht)
- grendello (Marek Habersack)
- SteveDunn (Steve Dunn)
- kcherenkov (Konstantin Cherenkov)
- timryan (Tim Ryan)
- letssellsomebananas (Tymek Majewski)
- danbarua (Dan Barua)
- JonCanning (Jon Canning)
- paegun (James Gorlick)
- pvasek (pvasek)
- derfsplat (derfsplat)
- justinrolston (Justin Rolston)
- danmiser (Dan Miser)
- danatkinson (Dan Atkinson)
- brainless83 (Thomas Grassauer)
- angelcolmenares (angel colmenares)
- dbeattie71 (Derek Beattie)
- danielwertheim (Daniel Wertheim)
- greghroberts (Gregh Roberts)
- int03 (Selim Selçuk)
- andidog (AndiDog)
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- jeremy-bridges (Jeremy Bridges)
- andreabalducci (Andrea Balducci)
Runs on both Mono and .NET 3.5. (Live preview hosted on Mono / CentOS)