This isn't, at the moment, a signal meter as anyone thinks of a signal meter. It simply tunes in to each channel in the lineup for a little while and records the connection status periodically. Once all channels have been visited, it prints a report, and exits. I was motivated to write this because I was planning on moving my HDHomeRun to a different location and wanted a reasonable way to compare the signal strenght/quality. Also, I'm not exactly proficient in Go at the moment, so the quality of the code is highly suspect.
A few assumptions were made about the physical setup and conditions. If these assumptions prove untrue, then the tool won't work as expected. The ones I think that are most likely to be problems are:
- There is only one HDHomeRun on the network and it is discoverable
- There is only one tuner being actively used and it's used by the this tool
To run it yourself clone the repo into your GOPATH
or just
go get
, then
make all
If you don't already have Go and dep installed and configured, you'll need to do that first.