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Package for analyzing RNA crosslinking and proximity ligation data (PARIS and beyond)


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CRSSANT: Cross-linked RNA Secondary Structure Analysis using Network Techniques

RNA crosslinking, proximity ligation and high throughput sequencing produces non-continuous reads that indicate base pairing and higher order interactions, either in RNA secondary structures or intermolecular complexes. CRSSANT (pronounced 'croissant') is a computational pipeline for analyzing non-continuous/gapped reads from a variety of methods that employ the crosslink-ligation principle, including PARIS, LIGR, SPLASH, COMRADES, hiCLIP, etc. CRSSANT optimizes short-read mapping, automates alignment processing, and clusters gap1 and trans alignments into duplex groups (DG) and non-overlapping groups (NG). More complex arrangments are assembled into higher level structures. In particular gapm alignments with 2 gaps or 3 segments are assembled into tri-segment groups (TGs). Overlapping alignments are used to discover homotypic interactions (RNA homodimers).

Briefly, the CRSSANT pipeline operates as follows. First, sequencing reads that have been processed to remove adapters are mapped references with STAR and a new set of optimized options. Second, alignments are filtered, rearranged and classified into different types ( and Third, we use network analysis methods to cluster non-continuous alignments into DGs and calculate the confidence for each DG. The DGs are used as the foundation for the assembly of TGs.

CRSSANT is written in Python and available as source code that you can download and run directly on your own machine (no compiling needed). An earlier version of the DG assembly method is available here: ( For more about the CRSSANT pipeline, please refer to this study Zhang et al. 2022 Genome Research.

Table of contents

Step 0: Download and prepare environment

Download the scripts and save it to a known path/location. No special installation is needed, but the python package dependencies need to be properly resolved before use. You will need Python version 3.6+ and the following Python packages. We recommend downloading the latest versions of these packages using the Ananconda/Bioconda package manager. Currently, the NetworkX version only works with python 3.6, but not higher versions.

Additional tools for used for mapping and general processing of high throughput sequencing data, including STAR, samtools and bedtools. The STAR should be used with optimized parameters shown below.

For visualization of the results, we recommend IGV, which has features for grouping alignments based on tags, such as DG and NG that we implemented here. IGV can also directly visualize DG summary information and RNA secondary structures, see Step 4: Cluster alignments to groups for details. VARNA is recommended for visualizing RNA secondary structures in a variety of formats, including

System requirements and tests

The programs are generally run in x86-64 compatible processors, including 64 bit Linux or Mac OS X, if there is enough memory. Read mapping against mammalian genomes using STAR requires at least 30G memory. Alignment classification typically requires 100G memory. As a result, these two steps should be run in a cluster with large memory.

Test datasets and example output files are provided for all steps except STAR mapping, which is a well maintained package. Test files are located in the tests folder. Furthermore, we provided source data for all figures in this paper to help readers reproduce the figures and troubleshoot potential problems (sourcedata). The analysis pipeline is preferably run as separate steps to allow maximal control and quality assurance. In addition, shell scripts for a typical pipeline are also provided as examples.

Step 1: Preprocessing fastq input files

Sequencing data can be processed using various published tools to demultiplex samples, and remove barcodes. Since each library preparation uses a different approach, we cannot recommend the same method for all of them. Here is an example of preprocessing PARIS data based on our recently published library preparation protocol.

Step 2: Map reads to the genome

It is assumed that the reads have been demultiplexed and adapters removed. Before mapping the reads, genome indices should be generated with the same STAR version. Reads in the fastq format are mapped to the genome using STAR and a set of optimized parameters as follows. runThreadN and genomeLoad should be adjusted based on available resources and running environment.

STAR --runMode alignReads --genomeDir /path/to/index --readFilesIn /path/to/reads/files --outFileNamePrefix /path/to/output/prefix --runThreadN 1 --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --outReadsUnmapped Fastx  --outFilterMultimapNmax 10 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0 --outSAMattributes All --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted SortedByCoordinate --alignIntronMin 1 --scoreGap 0 --scoreGapNoncan 0 --scoreGapGCAG 0 --scoreGapATAC 0 --scoreGenomicLengthLog2scale -1 --chimFilter None --chimOutType WithinBAM HardClip --chimSegmentMin 5 --chimJunctionOverhangMin 5 --chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG 0 -- chimScoreDropMax 80 --chimNonchimScoreDropMin 20

Successful STAR mapping generates the following 7 files: Aligned.out.bam, Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam,, Log.out, Log.progress.out,, and Unmapped.out.mate1. The bam file is converted back to sam for the next step of processing, keeping the header lines (samtools view -h). Sorting is not necessary for the next alignment classification step.

--Optimized STAR parameters

Here is a brief explanation of the optimized parameters for non-continuous alignments. See the bioRxiv preprint referenced at the top of this README for more detailed discussion of the optimization. The output contains very short segments, down to 7nt, and the unreliable ones are removed later using alignment-span-based penalty and segment connection dependent filtering (

  • --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0 and --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0 allows mapping short segments
  • --outSAMattributes All includes chimeric tags needed for alignment processing
  • --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted SortedByCoordinate simplifies subsequent SAM processing
  • --alignIntronMin 1 shifts deletions (D) to gaps (N) to equalize penalty.
  • --scoreGap* 0 removes all gap open penalty.
  • --scoreGenomicLengthLog2scale -1 increases alignment span-based penalty
  • --chimFilter None enables detection of chimeric alignments (primarily homotypic) near the 5' and 3' ends of references
  • --chimOutType WithinBAM HardClip output alignments in one file and removes hardclips.
  • --chimSegmentMin 5 and --chimJunctionOverhangMin 5 map chimera more permissively
  • --chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG 0 removes penalty for splicing junctions in chimera
  • -- chimScoreDropMax 80, a higher value, and --chimNonchimScoreDropMin 20 ensures that chimera are not produced when normal gapped alignments are possible.

--Other relevant parameters

In addition to the parameters listed above, the following ones need to be adjusted according to the data. Larger datasets may produce more gapped alignments (similar to splice junctions) and therefore requires higher limits. Even higher numbers can be tried if the following recommended numbers are still insufficient.

  • --limitOutSJcollapsed: recommended 10,000,000 (default 1 million)
  • --limitIObufferSize: recommended 1,500,000,000 (default 150 million)

Step 3: Rearrange softclipped alignments and remap

The STAR mapper, even with the optimized parameters discrimates against backward chimeric alignments compared to forward chimera (on the same strand and chromosome). To increase the detection of backward chimera, softclipped continuous alignments from the first round STAR mapping are rearranged so that they can be remapped by STAR in a second round. To rearrange softclipped continuous alignments, use the script as follows. The softrev.fastq file is mapped again using the parameters listed in Step 2. The output from the two rounds of STAR mappings are combined for subsequent analysis (Step 4).

python input.sam softrev.fastq

Step 4: Classify alignments

In this step, alignments in the sam file are filtered to remove low-confidence segments, rearranged and classified into 5 distinct types using

python input.sam output_prefix glenlog nprocs

Recommended parameters are as follows.

  • glenlog: -1. Scaling factor for gap extension penalty, equivalent to scoreGenomicLengthLog2scale in STAR
  • minlen: 15. Minimal length for a segment in an alignment to be considered confident for building the connection database
  • nprocs: 10. Number of CPUs to use for the run, depending availability of resources.

--Output from

Successful completion of this step results in 7 files. All of these sam files can be converted to sorted bam for visualization on IGV.

  • cont.sam: continuous alignments
  • gap1.sam: non-continuous alignments, each has 1 gap
  • gapm.sam: non-continuous alignments, each has more than 1 gaps
  • trans.sam: non-continuous alignments with the 2 arms on different strands or chromosomes
  • homo.sam: non-continuous alignments with the 2 arms overlapping each other
  • bad.sam: non-continuous alignments with complex combinations of indels and gaps
  • log.out: log file for the run, including input and output alignment counts (for gap1, gapm, trans, homo and bad)


Here is an example test of the script for filtering, rearranging and classifying alignments, using data provided in tests/gaptypes. The input data are alignments to two RNAs, SNORD118 (U8) chr17:8173453-8173588 and SNORD113 (U13) chr8:33513475-33513577, from HEK293 PARIS reads mapped to hg38pri. The output sam files can be converted to sorted bam for visualization on IGV under hg38 genome reference.

python PARIS_U8U13_hg38pri_only.sam PARIS_U8U13_hg38pri_only -1 15 8
Output counts: 
Total input alignment number: 10093
Continuous alignments (no gaps, cont.sam): 9179
Two-segment gapped alignments (gap1.sam): 339
Multi-segment gapped alignments (gapm.sam): 1
Other chimeric (different str/chr, trans.sam): 1
Overlapping chimeric (homotypic, homo.sam): 281
Bad alignments (bad.sam): 0

Step 5: Segment and gap statistics

Segment and gap length distribution can be produced using two scripts and to help understand the quality and properties of the sequencing data. Both scripts either use the sam file to produce a list of numbers, or use a list of numbers from a file to produce the cumulative distribution histogram. This step is not required for the subsequent steps; it only provides information to assess data quality.

Example command for creating the gap length list is as follows, where input.sam can be gap1.sam and gapm.sam, or their filtered output where splicing junctions and/or short gaps have been removed.

python inputfile filetype outputfile gaptype
python inputfile filetype outputfile
  • filetype: 'sam' file or text file containing 'list' of lengths
  • gaptype: 'min', only the shortest gap in the alignment, or 'all' for all gaps

When input is sam, output is list file. When input is a file of lengths list, output is pdf figure. The percentage of gaps or segments within a certain range can are output as well when running these scripts. The figure output can be adjusted by changing parameters in the python script.

Step 6: Filter spliced and short gaps

Output files gap1.sam and gapm.sam may contain alignments that have only splicing junctions and short 1-2 nt gaps due to artifacts. These are filtered out using before further processing. Splicing junctions and short gaps in other output files can be safely ignored. The annotation file containing the splicing junctions should be in GTF format. idloc, location of the transcript_ID field, is usually field 11. short is set to either yes which means 'remove short 1-2nt gaps', or no, which means 'ignore short 1-2nt gaps'.

python annotation insam outsam idloc short

The output from gap1.sam, typically named gap1filter.sam, only contains alignments that pass the filter. The output from gapm.sam, typically named gapmfilter.sam, contain alignments with either 1 or more gaps that pass the filter. The following output is printed to the screen:

  • Total alignments
  • All gapped alignments
  • Alignments with at least 1 good gaps
  • Alignments with at least 2 good gaps
  • Number of annotated splicing junctions

Alignments counts in log.out from step 2 and filtered counts are used to calculate percentage of non-continuous alignments alignments using the following formula:

(gap1filtercount + gapmfiltercount + transcount + homocount)/inputcount


Here is an example test of the script using data provided in tests/gapfilter and the output stats. The input and output sam files can be converted to sorted bam for visualization on IGV under hg38 genome reference.

python ACTB.gtf PARIS_hg38pri_ACTB_gap1.sam PARIS_hg38pri_ACTB_gap1filter.sam 11 yes
Total alignments: 352
All gapped alignments: 352
Alignments with at least 1 good gaps: 291
Alignments with at least 2 good gaps: 0
Number of annotated splicing junctions: 5

Step 7: Cluster gap1 and trans alignments to DGs

After filtering alignments, To assemble alignments to DGs and NGs using the script, three types of input files are required, alignfile, genesfile and bedgraphs. For more on these parameters, see the explanation below and the bioRxiv preprint referenced at the top of this README.

python [-h] [-out OUT] [-cluster CLUSTER] [-n N] [-covlimit COVLIMIT] [-t_o T_O] [-t_eig T_EIG] alignfile genesfile bedgraphs

Positional arguments:

  • alignfile: Path to alignedment file (SAM)
  • genesfile: Path to gene annotations (BED)
  • bedgraphs: Path to genome coverage files. Coma separated 2 files for + and - strands

Optional arguments:

  • -h: show the help message and exit
  • -out: path of output folder
  • -cluster: clustering method, "cliques" or "spectral"(default)
  • -n: Number of threads. Default is 8
  • -covlimit: Max coverage to be directly graphed. Default is 1000.
  • -t_o: Overlap threshold 0-1 inclusive. Default: 0.5 for "spectral", 0.1 for "cliques"
  • -t_eig: Eigenratio threshold (positive) for "spectral" only. Default: 5.

--Required input files

Alignment files gap1filter.sam and trans.sam are combined to produce alignfile sam, keeping one set of header lines at the beginning. The header lines are passed on to output. genesfile is a list of all genes in the genome. The start and end for each gene is used to assign the alignments to gene pairs, and determine which alignments correspond to intramolecular structures or intermolecular interactions. The bedgraphs files can be produced using the bedtools package, for example:

bedtools genomecov -bg -split -strand + -ibam alignfile_sorted.bam -g chromosome_sizes > alignfile_plus.bedgraph
bedtools genomecov -bg -split -strand - -ibam alignfile_sorted.bam -g chromosome_sizes > alignfile_minus.bedgraph

--Clustering methods

The pipeline uses the spectral clustering method to cluster reads into DGs with overlap threshold parameter of t_o=0.5 and eigenratio threshold of t_eig=5. The default spectral clustering method may be operated with different overlap threshold and eigenratio threshold parameters by specifying one or both with the flags t_o and t_eig, respectively. t_o may be any float between 0 and 1, and t_eig may be any positive number. Increasing t_o tends to result in more DGs that contain fewer reads, and increasing t_eig tends to result in fewer DGs containing more reads.

The user may also specify the cliques-finding method for clustering DGs by specifying the clustering flag cluster with the cliques option. If the cliques-finding method is specified, t_o may also be specified, and again may be any float between 0 and 1. The eigenvalue threshold t_eig is not used in the cliques-finding method. By default, for the cliques-finding method the overlap threshold is set to 0.1.

--Output from

After DG clustering, verifies that the DGs do not contain any non-overlapping reads, i.e. any reads where the start position of its left arm is greater than or equal to the stop position of the right arm of any other read in the DG. If the DGs do not contain any non-overlapping reads, then the following output files ending in the following are written:

  • .sam: SAM file containing alignments that were successfully assigned to DGs, plus DG and NG annotations
  • dg.bedpe: bedpe file listing all duplex groups.

The sam output can be converted to bam for visualization in IGV, where DG and NG tags can be used to sort and group alignments. The bed output file can be visualized in IGV, where the two arms of each DG can be visualized as two 'exons', or as an arc the connects far ends of the DG (

DGs with the 2 arms on the same strand and chromosome can be further converted to bed12 for visualization on IGV. The fields of the BED12 file are used according to the standard definition with the exception of fields 4 and 5. Field 5 score (or field 8 in bedpe) is defined as the number of non-continuous alignments in this DG. Field 4 name (or field 7 in bedpe) is defined in the format gene1,gene2_DGID_covfrac, where gene1,gene2 represents the two genes that this DG connects, DGID is a numerical ID of the DG, covfrac is the confidence of the DG, defined as c / sqrt(a*b) and

  • c = number of reads in a given DG
  • a = number of reads overlapping the left arm of the DG
  • b = number of reads overlapping the right arm of the DG


Here is an example test of the script for DG and NG assembly, using data provided in tests/crssant. The output sam files can be converted to sorted bam for visualization on IGV under hg38 genome reference. The DG and NG tags can be used to group and sort alignments.

python -out ./ -cluster cliques ACTB.sam ACTB.bed ACTB_plus.bedgraph,ACTB_minus.bedgraph

DGs on the same chromosome and strand can be converted to bed12 format for visualization on IGV. First use to convert, then use bedtools to sort bed file and finally add the header line track graphType=arc.

python ACTB.cliques.t_o0.1_dg.bedpe ACTB.cliques.t_o0.1_dg.bed
sortBed -i ACTB.cliques.t_o0.1_dg.bed > ACTB.cliques.t_o0.1_dg_sorted.bed

Step 8: Cluster gapm alignments to TGs

After assembly of DGs from single-gap or two-segment alignments (including gap1 and trans), the DGs are used as the foundation to assemble tri-segment groups (TGs) from gapm alignments (only 3-segment ones are assembled at the moment, since reads with more than 3 segments are extremely rare).

--Required input files

The output bedpe file from the DG assembly for the RNA of interest is used as the foundation to assemble TGs. The gapmfilter.sam file which contains the filtered gapm alignments are assembled into the TGs.

--Output from

TG clustering produces a sam file just like the gapm input sam file, except the addition of a new TG tag at the end of each alignment record. The output sam files can be converted to sorted bam for visualization on IGV under hg38 genome reference. The TG tag can be used to group and sort alignments.


Here is an example test of the script for TG assembly, using data provided in tests/gapm. This example is the human 7SK RNA. The correlation between DG and TG coverages can be calculated using the script, for example, using data from the Fig. 5E sourcedata folder.

python RN7SK_hg38_manualDGs.bedpe RN7SK_hg38_gapm.sam

Step 9: Analysis of RNA homodimers

The overlapping chimeric alignments indicate homotypic interactions, or RNA homodimers. The homo.sam file is further processed as follows to identify potential homodimers. To ensure the identification of RNA homodimers using STAR mapping and classification, the RNAs of interest must be flanked by additional non-N sequences, or the --chimFilter None option needs to be set. Homo alignments (homo.sam) with less than 2nt overlapping between two arms were filtered out to avoid potential artifacts. To cluster overlapping alignments into groups with similar DG/NG tags as the gap1/trans alignments, the script is applied as follows. The input and output files are similar to the descriptions above.

python [-h] [-out OUT] [-cluster CLUSTER] [-n N] [-covlimit COVLIMIT] [-t_o T_O] [-t_eig T_EIG] alignfile genesfile bedgraphs

To plot the homodimers as heatmaps, use the following script:


Running CRSSANT as a pipeline

The entire pipeline can be run step by step to give the user maximal control. We prefer this approach for two reasons. First, it is often easier for beginners to locate the problems and fix them. Second, even for experienced users, some of the steps may require changes of parameters, when running the pipeline step by step allows the users to only rerun the necessary steps, and therefore saves time. Once all trouble shooting and parameter testing are completed, a python script is used to integrate the pipeline, steps 4-8, after the STAR mapping step.

python input_dir output_dir sample_name Gtf idloc genesfile outprefix
  • input_dir: Full path to the directory of input files
  • output_dir: Full path to the directory of output files
  • sample_name: Name of the sample
  • Gtf: The annotation file containing the splicing junctions
  • idloc: Column number of the transript_ID field in GTF files, typically 11.
  • genesfile: Gene annotations (BED format)
  • outprefix: Output prefix

--Input and output files

Before running, ensure that the following files are placed in a single location/folder.

  • BAM/SAM file containing aligned reads from the sample of interest using the parameters listed above.
  • Gene bed file should contain six required BED fileds: Chrom, ChromStart, ChromEnd, Name, Score, Strand.
  • GTF file, the annotation file containing the splicing junctions should be in GTF format.

The output files from are gathered in four folders:

  • alignments_classify: classified alignments (6 categories)
  • alignments_statistics: alignment statistics, containing segment and gap length distributions
  • alignments_DGs: created at step of DGs assembly
  • alignments_TGs: created at step of TGs assembly

--Output folder 1: alignments_classify

Successful completion of this step results in 7 files. All of these sam files can be converted to sorted bam for visualization on IGV.

  • cont.sam: continuous alignments
  • gap1.sam: non-continuous alignments with 1 gap
  • gapm.sam: non-continuous alignments with more than 1 gaps
  • trans.sam: non-continuous alignments with the 2 arms on different strands or chromosomes
  • homo.sam: non-continuous alignments with the 2 arms overlapping each other
  • bad.sam: non-continuous alignments with complex combinations of indels and gaps
  • log.out: log file for the run, including input and output alignment counts (for cont, gap1, gapm, trans, homo and bad)

--Output folder 2: alignments_statistics

The following two files are generated to show the distribution of gap and segment lengths.

  • GapLen_distribution.pdf: Gap length distribution
  • SegLen_distribution.pdf: Segment length distribution

--Output folder 3: alignments_DGs

The following 2 files are produced for DG assembly.

  • .sam: SAM file containing alignments that were successfully assigned to DGs, plus DG and NG annotations
  • dg.bedpe: bedpe file listing all duplex groups.

--Output folder 4: alignments_TGs

TG clustering produces a sam file just like the gapm input sam file, except the addition of a new TG tag at the end of each alignment record. The output sam files can be converted to sorted bam for visualization on IGV. The TG tag can be used to group and sort alignments.



Package for analyzing RNA crosslinking and proximity ligation data (PARIS and beyond)







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