A tiny collection of dotfiles to make the initial OSX setup easier.
Here is a list of tools I'm regularly using. Although the installation of these tools can be automated, I don't do it since I'm not switching laptops too frequently.
- Browser: Chrome
- Window manager: Rectangle
- Screen recorder: Monosnap
- Code editor: VS Code
- Music: Spotify
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Package manager: Brew
- Shell: Oh My Zsh
- Theme: powerlevel10k (lean style)
- Terminal file manager: Ranger
- Vim-like file manager: vifm
- Code editor: vim
- Terminal multiplexer: tmux
- Command-line finder: fzf
alternative: fd- Disk cleanup tool: Pretty Clean
- Keyboard: Make "Caps Lock" act as "Ctrl"
- Keyboard: Use F-keys as standard function keys
- Keyboard: Press "fn" to "Do Nothing"
- Trackpad: Allow 3-finger drag
- Mouse: Swipe between pages
: switch input source (language)opt-space
: Raycast (or Spotlight)- Disable mission control shortcuts (interfering with tmux shortcuts):