Jennifer Peebles is a newsroom data specialist at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, helping reporters find and tell stories with government data (and sometimes documents, too).
Tips, data and documents are always welcome!
Email: jennifer.peebles (at)
Proton Mail secure email: jpeebles (at)
Signal secure texts and calls: 281-656-1681.
PGP for secure email: Public key available at pinned tweet in my Twitter feed | Fingerprint: 047 384 9F2 6C9 9C8 8F6 0CD F86 1EB 008 CEE D5B A185
Twitter: @jpeebles. Once you follow me, you can send me a private message (Twitter calls them "direct messages").
Snail mail: Atlanta Journal-Constitution newsroom, 6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Road NE, Atlanta GA 30328. secure messaging: jpeebles.