is a small command line tool and microservice for creating Helm Chart
CRDs from helm releases for better metadata and reporting of what is running inside kubernetes without needing access to Secret resources.
To be able to helm list
in any namespace you need access to the secrets in whatever namespaces you are looking. The Chart
CRD allows developers and microservices to query the installed charts without requiring read access to secrets.
Also if you are using Jenkins X then helm releases are not created since it uses helm template and checks all resources into git for better versioning - so installing the jx-charter
chart will create the Chart
CRD and then Jenkins X will create a Chart
CRD for each chart
Whether you use helm install
or use Jenkins X (which uses helm template
) you can list all of the charts in a namespace via...
kubectl get chart
kubectl get chart --all-namespaces
See the jx-charter command reference
To install the chart use the following:
- Add jx3 helm charts repo
helm repo add jx3 https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts
helm repo update
- Install (or upgrade)
# This will install or upgrade the jx-charter chart in the current namespace (with a jx-charter release name)
helm upgrade --install jx-charter jx3/jx-charter
To uninstall the chart, simply delete the release.
# This will uninstall jx-charter in the current namespace (assuming a jx-charter release name)
# Helm v3
helm uninstall jx-charter