Materials for the IEEE Quantum Week 2022 tutorial on Qiskit Runtime.
Installation instructions for this tutorial can be found in
As larger quantum systems become available, the need to be able to execute more complex quantum workloads has become more pressing. The need to run algorithms that combine classical and quantum computation in the same execution cycle is driving new requirements for both what is needed to program quantum systems and the context in which results are interpreted. In this tutorial, we will introduce users to Qiskit Runtime primitives, a new programming model, powered by a set of foundational functions, that enable a user to more seamlessly define and tailor quantum-classical workloads across the respective resources. We will show users how to build and optimize algorithms in this programming model in order to optimize their execution for speed and solution quality on today’s quantum systems using IBM’s Qiskit Runtime Service. Additionally, we will also show users how to experiment with trading off speed and accuracy using convenient inputs in this programming model that allows you to seamlessly leverage the latest error mitigation techniques on IBM systems.
Tutorials and presentation slides are located in the documentation directory.
More info about Qiskit Runtime can be found in the Qiskit documentation.
Tushar Mittal
Mariana Bernagozzi
Jennifer Glick