I was getting tired of running curl commands from a CLI for Kafka Connect configurations, so I decided to make a quick UI to handle the process for me. I welcome recommendations and pull requests for any added functionality.
- View, and Create Topics
- View, Create, Delete Kafka Connectors
- View, Create, Manage, and Execute KSQL
- Return Server Status
- Allow Pause/Resume of individual Tasks
- Allow Topic Deletion
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint
npm run build-docker
docker run -it -d -e PORT=9500 -p 9500:9500 kafka_manager:latest node server.js
kubectl apply -f k8.yaml
PORT: nodejs port to run nodejs from
VUE_APP_CONNECT_SERVER: hostname for Kafka Connect instance
VUE_APP_REST_SERVER: hostname for Kafka REST Api
VUE_APP_KSQL_SERVER: hostname for Kafka KSQL