Try to insert following text into your fully configured vim using Shift-Insert
# madness!
Then, compare with following gif.
How many times you do following sequence in vim?
Or, if you smart one, this one?
However, remote vim leaves you no choice.
:set paste
:set nopaste
Just install this urxvt perl plugin, restart urxvt and all following Shift-Inserts will paste text as it expected to be done in XXI century.
It will also work onto remote server vim. Waow.
"Bracketed paste" requires plugin for vim and intended for pasting in vim only.
urxvt-vim-insert is a plugin for terminal and redirects any paste to the new vim session, which can be used for the remote sessions as well. E.g., you can safely paste multiline text directly into remote unconfigured vim and it will work nice.
urxvt-vim-insert can be used for pasting multiline text in local or remote shell.
urxvt-vim-insert requires no vim/shell configuration whatsoever.
Seen this site?
Your browser will happily copy any hidden text into clipboard, and guess what
happens if you paste some hidden text that contains rm -rf /usr/
into terminal
on the production server? 🍑
Hopefully, there is a solution.
Also, you need to specify program, that will be used to edit clipboard and send result back.
This command is specified via
param. See more in the
next section.
For example, I'm using setup with urxvt+tmux+vim, so my safe-paste command is: vim-safe-paste
tmux_pid=$(pgrep -P$1 tmux)
session_name=$(grep -zFxA1 -- '-s' < /proc/$tmux_pid/cmdline | cut -b3-)
tmux neww -t $session_name "$(cat <<EOF
tmux loadb $2 \; pasteb -t $session_name:-1 ;
rm $2 ;
Little bit complicated (due stupid tmux API). When I will press Shift+Insert
to paste something not into vim and clipboard contains more than one line, it
will popup new vim instance with clipboard contents, so I can edit it before
Result of using that simple script can be seen on the gif above.
This parameter is mandatory and should point on the executable, that will be launched by urxvt synchronously, so it should fork to not to hang your terminal.
That executable will get two parameters:
- urxvt PID for the first parameter (
). - temporary file name with current clipboard contents as it's second parameter
). This file should be removed by executable when editing is complete.
Under archlinux, just install package from AUR.
Under any other distro, just copy vim-insert into rxvt-unicode extensions directory.
Then, add vim-insert
at the end of the URxvt.perl-ext-common
URxvt.perl-ext-common: ...,vim-insert
This plugin plays nice with other things:
marvex, which is a terminal bookkeeper for tile window manager called i3.
mcabber-external-editor, which is a missing feature of editing multiline messages in mcabber.
script, located in theexample/
directory is designed to work withmarvex