Sisimai is a Perl module for analyzing RFC5322 bounce emails and generating structured data from parsed results. Sisimai is the system formerly known as bounceHammer 4. Sisimai is a coined word: Sisi (the number 4 is pronounced Si in Japanese) and MAI (acronym of Mail Analyzing Interface).
- Convert Bounce Mails to Structured Data
- Supported formats are Perl and JSON
- Easy to Install, Use.
- cpanm
- git clone & make
- High Precision of Analysis
- 2 times higher than bounceHammer
- Support 21 known MTAs and 5 unknown MTAs
- Support 21 major MSPs(Mail Service Providers)
- Support Feedback Loop Message(ARF)
- Can detect 27 error reasons
- Faster than bounceHammer version 2.7.13p3
- About 1.7 times faster
More details about system requirements are available at Sisimai | Getting Started page.
% sudo cpanm Sisimai
--> Working on Sisimai
Fetching ... OK
1 distribution installed
% perldoc -l Sisimai
% cd /usr/local/src
% git clone
% cd ./p5-Sisimai
% sudo make install-from-local
--> Working on .
Configuring Sisimai-4.14.0 ... OK
1 distribution installed
method provides feature for getting parsed data from bounced email
messages like following.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use Sisimai;
my $v = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/
# If you want to get bounce records which reason is "delivered", set "delivered"
# option to make() method like the following:
my $v = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox', 'delivered' => 1);
if( defined $v ) {
for my $e ( @$v ) {
print ref $e; # Sisimai::Data
print ref $e->recipient; # Sisimai::Address
print ref $e->timestamp; # Sisimai::Time
print $e->addresser->address; # [email protected] # From
print $e->recipient->address; # [email protected] # To
print $e->recipient->host; #
print $e->deliverystatus; # 5.1.1
print $e->replycode; # 550
print $e->reason; # userunknown
my $h = $e->damn(); # Convert to HASH reference
my $j = $e->dump('json'); # Convert to JSON string
print $e->dump('json'); # JSON formatted bounce data
# Get JSON string from parsed mailbox or Maildir/
my $j = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/
# dump() is added in v4.1.27
print $j; # parsed data as JSON
# dump() method also accepts "delivered" option like the following code:
my $j = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox', 'delivered' => 1);
[{"rhost": "","recipient": "[email protected]","token": "01b88ad40b2f7089a6b1986ade14d323aaad9da2","deliverystatus": "5.2.1","smtpcommand": "RCPT","alias": "[email protected]","addresser": "[email protected]","subject": "test","smtpagent": "Postfix","messageid": "","diagnosticcode": "550 5.2.1 <[email protected]>... User Unknown","lhost": "","replycode": "550","reason": "userunknown","destination": "","action": "failed","softbounce": 0,"timezoneoffset": "+0000","diagnostictype": "SMTP","feedbacktype": "","listid": "","timestamp": 1403375674,"senderdomain": ""},{"lhost": "","reason": "userunknown","replycode": "550","destination": "","action": "failed","softbounce": 0,"timezoneoffset": "+0000","diagnostictype": "SMTP","feedbacktype": "","listid": "","timestamp": 1403375674,"senderdomain": "","rhost": "","recipient": "[email protected]","deliverystatus": "5.1.1","token": "948ed89b794207632dbab0ce3b72175553d9de83","smtpcommand": "RCPT","alias": "[email protected]","addresser": "[email protected]","subject": "test","smtpagent": "Postfix","messageid": "","diagnosticcode": "550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>... User Unknown"}]
Beginning with Sisimai 4.1.27, dump()
method is available and you can get parsed
data as JSON using the method.
% perl -MSisimai -lE 'print Sisimai->dump(shift)' /path/to/mbox
The following table show the differences between ver.2 (bounceHammer 2.7.13p3) and Sisimai. More information about differences are available at Sisimai | Differences page.
Features | bounceHammer | Sisimai |
System requirements(Perl) | 5.10 - 5.14 | 5.10 - 5.22 |
Command line tools | Available | N/A |
Modules for Commercial MTAs and MPSs | N/A | Included |
WebUI/API | Included | N/A |
Database schema for storing parsed bounce data | Available | N/A[1] |
Analytical precision ratio(2000 emails)[2] | 0.49 | 1.00 |
The speed of parsing email(1000 emails) | 4.24s | 2.33s |
The number of detectable bounce reasons | 19 | 27 |
Parse 2 or more bounces in a single email | Only 1st rcpt | ALL |
Parse FeedBack Loop Message/ARF format mail | Unable | OK |
Classification based on recipient domain | Available | N/A |
Output format of parsed data | YAML,JSON,CSV | JSON only |
Easy to install | No | Yes |
Install using cpan or cpanm command | N/A | OK |
Dependencies (Except core modules of Perl) | 24 modules | 2 modules |
LOC:Source lines of code | 18200 lines | 8200 lines |
The number of tests in t/, xt/ directory | 27365 tests | 171600 tests |
License | GPLv2 or Perl | 2 clause BSD |
Support Contract provided by Developer | End Of Sales | Available |
- Implement yourself with using DBI or any O/R Mapper you like
The following table is the list of MTA/MSP:(Mail Service Provider) modules. More details about these modules are available at Sisimai | Parser Engines page.
Module Name(Sisimai::) | Description |
MTA::Activehunter | TransWARE Active!hunter |
MTA::ApacheJames | Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server(> v4.1.26) |
MTA::Courier | Courier MTA |
MTA::Domino | IBM Domino Server |
MTA::Exchange | Microsoft Exchange Server |
MTA::Exim | Exim |
MTA::IMailServer | IPSWITCH IMail Server |
MTA::InterScanMSS | Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite |
MTA::MXLogic | McAfee SaaS |
MTA::MailFoundry | MailFoundry |
MTA::MailMarshalSMTP | Trustwave Secure Email Gateway |
MTA::McAfee | McAfee Email Appliance |
MTA::MessagingServer | Oracle Communications Messaging Server |
MTA::mFILTER | Digital Arts m-FILTER |
MTA::Notes | Lotus Notes |
MTA::Postfix | Postfix |
MTA::qmail | qmail |
MTA::Sendmail | V8Sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail |
MTA::SurfControl | WebSense SurfControl |
MTA::V5sendmail | Sendmail version 5 |
MTA::X1 | Unknown MTA #1 |
MTA::X2 | Unknown MTA #2 |
MTA::X3 | Unknown MTA #3 |
MTA::X4 | Unknown MTA #4 qmail clones(> v4.1.23) |
MTA::X5 | Unknown MTA #5 (> v4.13.0 ) |
MSP::DE::EinsUndEins | 1&1: |
MSP::JP::Biglobe | BIGLOBE: |
MSP::JP::EZweb | au EZweb: |
MSP::JP::KDDI | au by KDDI: |
MSP::RU::MailRu | |
MSP::RU::Yandex | Yandex.Mail: |
MSP::UK::MessageLabs | |
MSP::US::AmazonSES | AmazonSES(Sending): |
MSP::US::AmazonWorkMail | Amazon WorkMail: |
MSP::US::Aol | Aol Mail: |
MSP::US::Bigfoot | Bigfoot: |
MSP::US::Facebook | Facebook: |
MSP::US::Google | Google Gmail: |
MSP::US::Office365 | Microsoft Office 365: |
MSP::US::Outlook | Microsoft |
MSP::US::ReceivingSES | AmazonSES(Receiving): |
MSP::US::SendGrid | SendGrid: |
MSP::US::Verizon | Verizon Wireless: |
MSP::US::Yahoo | Yahoo! MAIL: |
MSP::US::Zoho | Zoho Mail: |
ARF | Abuse Feedback Reporting Format |
RFC3464 | Fallback Module for MTAs |
RFC3834 | Detector for auto replied message (> v4.1.28) |
Sisimai can detect the following 27 bounce reasons. More details about reasons are available at Sisimai | Bounce Reason List page.
Reason | Description | Impelmented at |
Blocked | Blocked due to client IP address | |
ContentError | Invalid format email | |
Delivered[1] | Successfully delivered | v4.16.0 |
ExceedLimit | Message size exceeded the limit(5.2.3) | |
Expired | Delivery time expired | |
Feedback | Bounced for a complaint of the message | |
Filtered | Rejected after DATA command | |
HasMoved | Destination mail addrees has moved | |
HostUnknown | Unknown destination host name | |
MailboxFull | Recipient's mailbox is full | |
MailerError | Mailer program error | |
MesgTooBig | Message size is too big(5.3.4) | |
NetworkError | Network error: DNS or routing | |
NotAccept | Destinaion does not accept any message | |
OnHold | Deciding the bounce reason is on hold | |
Rejected | Rejected due to envelope from address | |
NoRelaying | Relay access denied | |
SecurityError | Virus detected or authentication error | |
SpamDetected | Detected a message as spam | |
Suspend | Recipient's account is suspended | |
SyntaxError | syntax error in SMTP | v4.17.0 |
SystemError | Some error on the destination host | |
SystemFull | Disk full on the destination host | |
TooManyConn | Connection rate limit exceeded | |
UserUnknown | Recipient's address does not exist | |
Undefined | Could not decide the error reason | |
Vacation | Auto replied message | v4.1.28 |
- This reason is not included by default
The following table shows a data structure (Sisimai::Data
) of parsed bounce mail.
More details about data structure are available at available at
Sisimai | Data Structure of Sisimai::Data page.
Name | Description |
action | The value of Action: header |
addresser | The sender's email address (From:) |
alias | Alias of the recipient |
destination | The domain part of the "recipinet" |
deliverystatus | Delivery Status(DSN), ex) 5.1.1, 4.4.7 |
diagnosticcode | Error message |
diagnostictype | Error message type |
feedbacktype | Feedback Type |
lhost | local host name(local MTA) |
listid | The value of List-Id: header of the original message |
messageid | The value of Message-Id: of the original message |
reason | Detected bounce reason |
recipient | Recipient address which bounced (To:) |
replycode | SMTP Reply Code, ex) 550, 421 |
rhost | Remote host name(remote MTA) |
senderdomain | The domain part of the "addresser" |
softbounce | The bounce is soft bounce or not: 0=hard,1=soft,-1=unknown |
smtpagent | MTA module name (Sisimai::MTA::, MSP::) |
smtpcommand | The last SMTP command in the session |
subject | The vale of Subject: header of the original message(UTF8) |
timestamp | Timestamp of the bounce, UNIX matchine time |
timezoneoffset | Time zone offset string: ex) +0900 |
token | MD5 value of addresser, recipient, and the timestamp |
Bounce mails which could not be parsed by Sisimai are saved in the directory
If you have found any bounce email cannot be parsed using Sisimai, please add
the email into the directory and send Pull-Request to this repository.
- @libsisimai | Sisimai on Twitter (@libsisimai)
- libSISIMAI.ORG | Sisimai | The Successor To bounceHammer, Library to parse bounce mails
- GitHub |
- CPAN | Sisimai - Mail Analyzing Interface for bounce mails. -
- CPAN Testers Reports | CPAN Testers Reports: Reports for Sisimai
- Ruby verson | Ruby version of Sisimai
- bounceHammer.JP | bounceHammer will be EOL on February 29, 2016
- - in Japanese(日本語)
- RFC3463 - Enhanced Mail System Status Codes
- RFC3464 - An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications
- RFC3834 - Recommendations for Automatic Responses to Electronic Mail
- RFC5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- RFC5322 - Internet Message Format
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 azumakuniyuki, All Rights Reserved.
This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.