This project has been archived and a maintained version can be found here
Docker container for Plaso super-timelining tool
The following make
targets are available
Target | Description |
build | build the docker image |
build-nocache | build the docker image without use of docker build caching |
cdqr | run cdqr with "do all the things" plugin set against WinXP2.E01 |
cdqr-lin | run cdqr with Linux specific plugin set against WinXP2.E01 |
cdqr-mac | run cdqr with Mac specific plugin set against WinXP2.E01 |
cdqr-win | run cdqr with Windows specific plugin set against WinXP2.E01 |
git-push | push this repo |
hub-build | schedule bulid on docker hub |
log2timeline | run log2timeline against WinXP2.E01 |
pinfo | run pinfo against WinXP2.plaso |
psort-analysis | run psort with analysis plugins against WinXP2.plaso |
psort-csv | run pinfo against WinXP2.plaso |
psort | run pinfo against WinXP2.plaso |
push | push image to docker hub |
shell | run a shell in the docker container as an unpriviledged user (usefulfor debugging) |
shell-root | run a shell in the docker container as root (useful for debugging) |
test | run all tests |
docker run --rm -v YOUR_DATA_DIR:/data/ -u root -it jbeley/plaso:20190916 \ --status_view linear --parsers YOUR_PARSER_LIST /data/PLASOFILE.pb /data/YOUR_INPUT
docker run -v YOUR_DATA_DIR:/data/ -u root -it jbeley/plaso:20190916 -o json_line -w YOUR_OUTPUT.json /data/PLASOFILE.pb