- DuetWifi or Duet Ethernet or Duet 2 Maestro controlled printer
- RepRapFirmware v1.21 or v2.0 or higher
- with enabled WiFi or Ethernet protocol
- with enabled Telnet protocol
- Raspberry Pi / Single-Board Computer on the same network as your Duet
- with Python 3 and the
- with Python 3 and the
- Webcam that returns snapshot pictures (still image) via an URL
- mjpg-streamer or similiar:
- mjpg-streamer or similiar:
- Slicer that can insert custom G-code for every new layer
- for Cura you can use the
post-processing script. Enable it in the post-processing GUI window, after restarting Cura and copying it into:- Linux:
- macOS:
~/Library/Application Support/cura/3.4/scripts
- Windows:
- Linux:
- for Cura you can use the
Take snapshot pictures of your DuetWifi/DuetEthernet log_printer on every layer change.
A new subfolder will be created with a timestamp and g-code filename for every new log_print.
This script connects via Telnet to your log_printer, make sure to enable it in your config.g:
M586 P2 S1 ; enable Telnet
You need to inject the following G-Code before a new layer starts:
M400 ; wait for all movement to complete
M118 P4 S"LAYER CHANGE" ; take a picture
G4 P500 ; wait a bit
If you are using Cura, you can use the TimelapseLayerChange.py script with the Cura Post-Processing plugin.
If you are using Simplify3D, you can enter the above commands in the "Layer Change Script" section of your process.
Slicer-generated z-hops might cause erronously taken pictures, use firmware-retraction with z-hop instead.
After the print is done, use ffmpeg to render a timelapse movie:
$ ffmpeg -r 20 -y -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 output.mp4
Usage: ./timelapse.py <folder> <duet_host> <webcam_url> [<auth>] [--no-verify]
folder - folder where all pictures will be collected, e.g., ~/timelapse_pictures
duet_host - DuetWifi/DuetEthernet hostname or IP address, e.g., mylog_printer.local or
webcam_url - HTTP or HTTPS URL that returns a JPG picture, e.g.,
auth - HTTP Basic Auth if you configured a reverse proxy with auth credentials, e.g., john:passw0rd
--no-verify - Disables HTTPS certificat verification