Backup scripts for Linux and OS X servers
These are scripts I've developed over the years to assist in backing up OS X or Linux Servers and reporting data back to me.
I always store the scripts in /usr/local/bin. Each script usually performs one function. I then configure backup-report to include all of the individual scripts as required by any server, e.g.
exit 0;
The backup-report script is usually trigger by the mail-backup-report script which emails the output of all of the other scripts:
/usr/local/bin/backup-report | /usr/bin/mail -s 'Backup Report' '[email protected]'
It is common to have one server's backup-report, collect the output of other server backup-reports. Usually, it just requires configuring the ssh host in ~/.ssh/config and adding a line to the backup-report:
ssh host '/usr/local/bin/backup-report'
exit 0;
Sometimes, there are a few scripts with similar names, e.g.
backup-opendirectory (the actual script) backup-opendirectory-logger (the script that runs the above script and writes it to a log) backup-opendirectory-report (the script that collects the output from the logger)
The purpose of these are for situations where a more elevated user is required to perform the actual script (the logger), so that when an external server connects via ssh (not as root), it can still collect the output.