We aim to extract structured information from a web resource:
url --> meaningfulweb engine --> structured information
- meaningfulweb-opengraph.jar <- open graph parser
- meaningfulweb-core.jar <-- core engine
- meaningfulweb-app.war <-- web application
Build and release are managed via Maven: http://maven.apache.org/
- build all: under meaningfulweb, do: mvn clean install
- start webapp: under meaningfulweb-app/, do: mvn jetty:run
application should be running at: http://localhost:8080/
the rest service should be running at: http://localhost:8080/get-meaning?url=xxx
// extract the best image representing an url
String url = "http://www.google.com"
MetaContentExtractor extractor = new MetaContentExtractor();
MeaningfulWebObject obj = extractor.extractFromUrl(url);
String bestImageURL = obj.getImage();
String title = obj.getTitle();
String description = obj.getDescription();
String domain = obj.getDomain();
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