The purpose of this project is to create a Hospitality app for my church. The Hospitality team is a group of nearly 100 individuals (?) who assist church services on a regular basis, typically once a month for one mass.
The current system involves a hefty PDF document which contains dates and times (scheduling) for each member of the Hospitality team. As weeks approach members scheduled for the coming Sunday are emailed on a Monday/Tuesday and instructed to reply to an email thread as confirmation. It is up to the few show runners to keep track of all these individuals and notify team leaders. If a member cannot make their scheduled time they must attempt to find a replacement. Typically this process involves mass spam-like emails to the entire team pleading for a replacement.
The goal of this app in a more low level setting is the following:
- Create a static website for SM Hospitality
- Add a login flow for administrators (Dan, Cathy)
- Add all members with phone numbers and emails. this will be hidden from google searches and bots
- Use the site as a simple tracker
- Integrate website with twilio so members can be texted or emailed.
- Send out weekly Thursday or Friday status reports for each mass.
- NodeJS - Web Server
- Mongo - Database
- Mongoose - API between Mongo and Node
- Node Mailer - Mailer
- Twilio - SMS messenger
- Nodejitsu - Web Host
- Grunt - Automation
I do not like the idea of giving every user a login. The simple solution would involve member correspondence via email and text ONLY. For now if users need to edit they should contact administrators directly.