This is a external pillar for SaltStack that uses AWS DynamoDB as a data source.
- Create a directory on the salt master for custom extension modules (if you don't already have one) e.g. /srv/salt/ext
- In your master config (e.g. /etc/salt/master):
extension_modules : /srv/salt/ext
- Create a subdirectory of the extension modules directory named 'pillar'
- Copy this to the pillar subdirectory
- Make sure that you have the python boto library installed (`pip install boto`)
- Create a boto configuration file to hold your AWS credentials
In the master config file:
- dynamo:
table: my_pillar_table # REQUIRED - set to your DynamoDB table name
region: us-east-1 # Optional - default is 'us-east-1'
id_field: id # Optional - the field to query for minion's id; default is 'id'
- Create a DynamoDB table with a primary hash key field named id
- Create a record for each minion, with the minion's id in the primary hash key field
- Create additional key-value pairs for each value you want to store in the pillar
- Keys which include the '.' character, will be transformed into a hierarchical python dict
- e.g. if your DynamoDB record looks like this:
id : minion1
ssh.port : 22
ssh.password.authentication : yes
ssh.password.permitEmpty : no : fiz
the returned pillar for the node will be:
{'ssh' : {
'port' : '22',
'password' : {
'authentication' : 'yes',
'permitEmpty' : no,
'foo' : {
'bar' : {
'baz' : 'fiz'