This document covers installing Kuberenets on Intel Cloud VMs. At a high level we will need to accomplish the following:
- Create VMs - a "deploy" node, a master node and two minion nodes
- Install pre-requisites on deploy node
- Run playbooks to pre-configure all the nodes.
- Install k8s
- Install k8s add-ons (dns and dashboard)
- Test
Example: ops-deploy01, ops-km01, ops-kn01, ops-kn02
4x Small-A flavor VMs are sufficient for testing but YMMV depending on intended purpose.
Ubuntu 14.04
Create a VM thru Intel Cloud and name it -deploy01
Example: ops-deploy01
Create 3 VMs following your naming convention. This example uses km for master and kn for minions.
Example: ops-km01, ops-kn01, ops-kn02
sudo /etc/environment
Add the following contents, substituting the correct node IPs:
no_proxy=",localhost,,<deploy ip>,<master ip>,<minion1 ip>,<minion2 ip>
# on deploy node
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-passlib
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ansible
Ansible roles are currenly wired to create and utilize user "k8s" on all master and minion nodes and expect to find in /home/k8s/.ssh on the deploy node.
# on deploy node
sudo adduser k8s
sudo usermod -aG sudo k8s
sudo su k8s
cd ~
ssh-keygen # accept defaults
Add your public key to k8s user
vi /home/k8s/.ssh/authorized_keys
Append your nodes and IP addresses to the hosts file. This makes it easier to ssh to nodes.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
Before we can install Kubernetes, we must run Ansible playbooks to setup things like proxy, user and docker.
git clone
cd k8s4ic
Creat a hosts file in the k8s4ic directory:
vi hosts
Add the following contents using your hostnames and IPs.
IMPORTANT: Change the ad_ user to the account that created the VMs (or at least has SSH access and sudo)
ops-km01 ansible_host= ansible_user=ad_myidsid
ops-kn01 ansible_host=
ops-kn02 ansible_host=
From deploy node, SSH to each node and accept the fingerprint.
ssh ops-km01
ssh ops-kn01
ssh ops-kn02
IMPORTANT: If you re-create master and minions, be sure to clear ~/.ssh/known_hosts or Ansible will fail to connect.
TODO automate ssh fingerprint
Run the master playbook and enter a password to be used for the new user as well as your ad_ password twice.
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/master.yml --limit=masters --ask-pass --ask-become-pass
Run the worker playbook and enter a password to be used for the new user (same as before) as well as your ad_ password twice.
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/worker.yml --limit=workers --ask-pass --ask-become-pass
git clone
We must add our nodes and proxy to the config.
cd kubernetes
vi cluster/ubuntu/
Find the line similar to the one below and change for your user and nodes
export nodes=${nodes:-"[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]"}
Find the line similar to the one belowand change it to have dedicated server and two minions.
roles=${roles:-"a i i"}
Find the line similar to the one below and add the proxy.
IMPORTANT: Add all the nodes to the no_proxy var.
PROXY_SETTING=${PROXY_SETTING:-"http_proxy= https_proxy=,localhost,,,,"}
The download-release script is missing an untar and copy commmand and will fail unless the script is modified.
See ths issue for more info: kubernetes/kubernetes#30751
In cluster/ubuntu/ add
'tar xzf kubernetes-salt.tar.gz' as below:
tar xzf kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzf kubernetes-salt.tar.gz
and add 'cp -a kubernetes/server/kubernetes/saltbase ../' as below:
cp kubernetes/server/kubernetes/server/bin/kubectl binaries/
cp -a kubernetes/server/kubernetes/saltbase ../
echo ${KUBE_VERSION} > binaries/.kubernetes
cd kubernetes/cluster
cd ubuntu