This is an empty repo for Jared Lander's Live Training.
If you use git please clone this repo then open it as an RStudio Project.
# if using SSH
git clone [email protected]:jaredlander/LiveJanuary2018.git
# if using https
git clone
If you don't use git, then please recreate this folder structure, and download prep/DownloadData.r
, on your computer and open the LiveJanuary2018.Rproj
file using RStudio.
To get started run the following code to install the latest version of the necessary packages.
packages <- c('coefplot', '', 'DBI', 'ggthemes', 'jsonlite',
'rprojroot', 'RSQLite', 'tidyverse', 'UsingR')
Data for the class is kept at Either download all the data files individually or source prep/DownloadData.r
This script requires that you are using an RStudio Project.