π HTMLSatanizer π is ASP .NET Core web application. Application main purpose is to replaces HTML tags with devil emoji - π.
o User gives valid URL address and receives HTML response from the site with Satanized content
o User writes free text which is being Satanized if possible
o User uploads text file and receives it's content Satanized if possible
o User sees the latest 4 posts
o Users can see Satanized HTML by Id
o In that page users can see the Satanized HTML, pure input and meta data about the entity
o User can write his own email to receive the Satanized HTML by Email
o Users can see Satanized HTML by Id
o In that page users can see the Satanized HTML, pure input and meta data about the entity
o User can write his own email to receive the Satanized HTML by Email
o Pagination is used to separate the posts. User can see up to 6 posts per page
o Implemented basci search
o Entity Framework Core
o SendGrid
o Unit Testing
o Integration Testing
o Testing with MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc by Ivaylo Kenov
o Custom error pages
o The idea behind ASP .NET Core
o Asynchronos programming
o MVC pattern
o Dependency Injection
o Working with Entity Framework Core and MSSQL
o MIME Types
o Integration testing
o Tesing with library
o Bootstrap 4