Orion is an open source framework built on Meteor that makes complex as well as simple apps possible with minimal effort. It's built, modified, used, and supported by an active community of people around the world.
To start your orion instance the first thing you need to do is install the core package, a admin template and a router.
meteor add orionjs:core
Orion has two official templates, one for bootstrap and one for materialize, but you can use one in the list below
meteor add twbs:bootstrap fortawesome:fontawesome orionjs:bootstrap
meteor add materialize:materialize orionjs:materialize
Orion supports iron:router and kadira:flow-router thanks to nicolaslopezj:router-layer.
meteor add iron:router
meteor add kadira:flow-router kadira:blaze-layout
And go
- Website: orionjs.org
- Documentation: orionjs.org/docs/introduction
- Tutorials: orionjs.org/tutorials
- Forums: forums.orionjs.org
- Gitter: gitter.im/orionjs/orion
- Preview: orion-example.meteor.com
- Roadmap: trello.com/b/dQhi5dF9/orion-roadmap
- Newsletter: subscribe
If you want to help translating Orion to your language follow the instructions.
Submit a pull request to add your package to this list
Admin Themes:
- rwatts:orionjs-foundation
- dvz:orion-semantic-ui
- dvz:orion-unstyled
- nicolaslopezj:orion-admin-only-bootstrap use bootstrap theme without using bootstrap in the whole app
- vsivsi:orion-file-collection Lightweight MongoDB gridFS support
- lc3t35:orion-filesystem-local
- brightbind:orion-gridfs
- orionjs:lang-es Spanish
- jorisroling:orion-lang-nl Dutch
- pierreeric:orion-lang-fr French
- loongmxbt:orion-lang-zh-cn Simplified Chinese
- goooseman:orion-lang-ru Russian
- aselox:orion-lang-it Italian
- nicolaslopezj:orion-ga Google analytics
- nicolaslopezj:orion-exporter Export and import Orion data