- install node.
npm i -g @nestjs/cli
- Run
npm i
within nodejs-opentelemetry-master and nodejs-opentelemetry-slave. docker network create payvision
- Check "file sharing" is enabled in docker. "Settings" -> "Resources" -> "File Sharing" -> Add "C:".
- Run
docker-compose up
. It starts the following components:- nodejs-opentelemetry-master: Entry point (GET http://localhost:3000)
- nodejs-opentelemetry-slave: Intermediary api.
- otel-collector: Proxy to receive data from OpenTelemetry, and then, export to target system (zipkin and elastic).
- zipkin: Local instance.
- jaeger: Local instance.
- apm-server: Local instance.
- When Compose finishes, navigate to apm-tutorial. Complete steps 4-6 to configure your application to collect and report APM data. More details.
- GET http://localhost:3000 to run a request.
- Open http://localhost:9411 to check traces on zipkin.
- Open http://localhost:5601/app/apm to check trace on elastic.
- Open http://localhost:16686/search to check trace on jaeger.