A BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) MIDI implementation based on ESP32
Disclaimer: this is a working-in-progress project at very early stage. I hope to implement new feature and a new hardware soon
This project aim to build a BLE MIDI Pedal Board using a cheap ESP32
I created this project to control music and guitar applications, but you can use it for any BLE MIDI compatible application ;)
In this first version I use a DigiTech FS3X footswitch connected to a Wemos D1 R32 ESP32 board
The FS3X has a 6,35mm Jack Stereo output.
I pulled up 2 DI of ESP32 and I use the tip and the ring of the Jack to pull low the ESP32 inputs
When the UP switch is pressed, both inputs are pulled down
I program the ESP32 using Arduino IDE and libraries. See the code under the source directory
Tested on Android 6, iOS 11 and Linux Debian 10.
For debug purpose I suggest the following utilities to verify if your device can receive midi messages:
- midiscope for Android
- midiwrench for iOS
- JACK + kmidimon for Linux
Copyright (C) 2020 Ivan Tarozzi ([email protected])
All the project files, sources and documents are released as open source and free software