A tool to create, customize and deploy chatbot applications fast🚀 and easily😃!
Front-End: React
Back-End: Node, Express, Langchain
Embeddings: OpenAI text-ada-002
LLM: OpenAI GPT-3.5 turbo
Vector Database: FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)
Add basic information of the chatbot and its features(Role, Style, Chatting tone, Constraints) in the Knowledge Section.
Drag and drop reference documents for the Knowledge Base (KB) of the chatbot. These Documents will be refernced by the chatbot while interacting with users.
Add the API token secret keys (OpenAI) in the Keys section.
Include the <ChatUI/> component within your current codebase (later we will give a pluggable npm module).
For support, email [email protected] or join our Slack channel.