Extracts data from one or more SEVIRI LST HDF5 files, performs the geocoding and adds them to a new netCDF4.
This script gets as input one or more MSG-SEVIRI Land Surface Temperature (LST) HDF5 products (MLST LSA-001) from EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) and extracts, for the given bounding box and for each input file, the LST, QF and errorbar datasets. The extracted datasets are first resampled (using nearest neighbor) to a regular latitude-longitude grid and then stacked according to their acquisition time. Finally, the resulting LST, QF and errorbar stacks are added to a netCDF4 file.
MLST LSA-001 data can be downloaded from https://landsaf.ipma.pt.
Place an order on https://landsaf.ipma.pt for SEVIRI LST data.
Download the data and unzip all the .bz files in an empty folder.
Run the script
using as arguments:- the directory of the unzipped HDF5 data;
- a savedir and a savename for the output netCDF4;
- the bounding box lat/lon coordinates; and
- the resolution of the output grid (optional).
python lsalst2netcdf.py h5dir savedir savename latN, latS, lonW, lonE -r 0.05 0.05
- MLST LSA-001 Product Manual
- MLST LSA-001 Product Output Format
- MLST LSA-001 Validation Report
- MLST LSA-001 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.