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$ pandora --help
Pandora: Pan-genome inference and genotyping with long noisy or short accurate reads.

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit

  index                       Index population reference graph (PRG) sequences.
  map                         Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample, and optionally genotype variants.
  compare                     Quasi-map reads from multiple samples to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in each sample, and call variants between the samples.
  discover                    Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample and discover novel variants.
  walk                        Outputs a path through the nodes in a PRG corresponding to the either an input sequence (if it exists) or the top/bottom path
  seq2path                    For each sequence, return the path through the PRG
  get_vcf_ref                 Outputs a fasta suitable for use as the VCF reference using input sequences
  random                      Outputs a fasta of random paths through the PRGs
  merge_index                 Allows multiple indices to be merged (no compatibility check)

Population Reference Graphs

Pandora assumes you have already constructed a fasta-like file of graphs, one entry for each gene/ genome region of interest. If you haven't, you will need a multiple sequence alignment for each graph. Precompiled collections of MSA representing othologous gene clusters for a number of species can be downloaded from here and converted to graphs using the pipeline from here.

Build index

Takes a fasta-like file of PanRG sequences and constructs an index, and a directory of gfa files to be used by pandora map or pandora compare. These are output in the same directory as the PanRG file.

$ pandora index --help
Index population reference graph (PRG) sequences.
Usage: pandora index [OPTIONS] <PRG>

  <PRG> FILE [required]       PRG to index (in fasta format)

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -w INT                      Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
  -k INT                      K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]
  -t,--threads INT            Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
  -o,--outfile FILE           Filename for the index [default: <PRG>.kXX.wXX.idx]
  -v                          Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity

The index stores (w,k)-minimizers for each PanRG path found. These parameters can be specified, but default to w=14, k=15.

Map reads to index

This takes a fasta/q of Nanopore or Illumina reads and compares to the index. It infers which of the PanRG genes/elements is present, and for those that are present it outputs the inferred sequence and a genotyped VCF.

$ pandora map --help
Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample, and optionally genotype variants.
Usage: ./pandora map [OPTIONS] <TARGET> <QUERY>

  <TARGET> FILE [required]    An indexed PRG file (in fasta format)
  <QUERY> FILE [required]     Fast{a,q} file containing reads to quasi-map

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -v                          Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity

  -w INT                      Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
  -k INT                      K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]

  -o,--outdir DIR             Directory to write output files to [default: pandora]
  -t,--threads INT            Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
  --vcf-refs FILE             Fasta file with a reference sequence to use for each loci. The sequence MUST have a perfect match in <TARGET> and the same name
  --kg                        Save kmer graphs with forward and reverse coverage annotations for found loci
  --loci-vcf                  Save a VCF file for each found loci
  -C,--comparison-paths       Save a fasta file for a random selection of paths through loci
  -M,--mapped-reads           Save a fasta file for each loci containing read parts which overlapped it

Parameter Estimation:
  -e,--error-rate FLOAT       Estimated error rate for reads [default: 0.11]
  -g,--genome-size STR/INT    Estimated length of the genome - used for coverage estimation. Can pass string such as 4.4m, 100k etc. [default: 5000000]
  --bin                       Use binomial model for kmer coverages [default: negative binomial]

  -m,--max-diff INT           Maximum distance (bp) between consecutive hits within a cluster [default: 250]
  -c,--min-cluster-size INT   Minimum size of a cluster of hits between a read and a loci to consider the loci present [default: 10]

  -I,--illumina               Reads are from Illumina. Alters error rate used and adjusts for shorter reads

  --clean                     Add a step to clean and detangle the pangraph
  --max-covg INT              Maximum coverage of reads to accept [default: 300]

Consensus/Variant Calling:
  --genotype                  Add extra step to carefully genotype sites.
  --snps                      When genotyping, only include SNP sites
  --kmer-avg INT              Maximum number of kmers to average over when selecting the maximum likelihood path [default: 100]

  --local Needs: --genotype   (Intended for developers) Use coverage-oriented (local) genotyping instead of the default ML path-oriented (global) approach.
  -a INT                      Hard threshold for the minimum allele coverage allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
  -s INT                      The minimum required total coverage for a site when genotyping [default: 0]
  -D INT                      Minimum difference in coverage on a site required between the first and second maximum likelihood path [default: 0]
  -F INT                      Minimum allele coverage, as a fraction of the expected coverage, allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
  -E,--gt-error-rate FLOAT    When genotyping, assume that coverage on alternative alleles arises as a result of an error process with rate -E. [default: 0.01]
  -G,--gt-conf INT            Minimum genotype confidence (GT_CONF) required to make a call [default: 1]

Compare reads from several samples

This takes Nanopore or Illumina read fasta/q for a number of samples, mapping each to the index. It infers which of the PanRG genes/elements is present in each sample, and outputs a presence/absence pangenome matrix, the inferred sequences for each sample and a genotyped multisample pangenome VCF.

$ pandora compare --help
Quasi-map reads from multiple samples to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in each sample, and call variants between the samples.
Usage: ./pandora compare [OPTIONS] <TARGET> <QUERY_IDX>

  <TARGET> FILE [required]    An indexed PRG file (in fasta format)
  <QUERY_IDX> FILE [required] A tab-delimited file where each line is a sample identifier followed by the path to the fast{a,q} of reads for that sample

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -v                          Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity

  -w INT                      Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
  -k INT                      K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]

  -o,--outdir DIR             Directory to write output files to [default: pandora]
  -t,--threads INT            Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
  --vcf-refs FILE             Fasta file with a reference sequence to use for each loci. The sequence MUST have a perfect match in <TARGET> and the same name
  --loci-vcf                  Save a VCF file for each found loci

Parameter Estimation:
  -e,--error-rate FLOAT       Estimated error rate for reads [default: 0.11]
  -g,--genome-size STR/INT    Estimated length of the genome - used for coverage estimation. Can pass string such as 4.4m, 100k etc. [default: 5000000]
  --bin                       Use binomial model for kmer coverages [default: negative binomial]

  -m,--max-diff INT           Maximum distance (bp) between consecutive hits within a cluster [default: 250]
  -c,--min-cluster-size INT   Minimum size of a cluster of hits between a read and a loci to consider the loci present [default: 10]

  -I,--illumina               Reads are from Illumina. Alters error rate used and adjusts for shorter reads

  --clean                     Add a step to clean and detangle the pangraph
  --max-covg INT              Maximum coverage of reads to accept [default: 300]

Consensus/Variant Calling:
  --genotype                  Add extra step to carefully genotype sites.
  --kmer-avg INT              Maximum number of kmers to average over when selecting the maximum likelihood path [default: 100]
  --local Needs: --genotype   (Intended for developers) Use coverage-oriented (local) genotyping instead of the default ML path-oriented (global) approach.
  -a INT                      Hard threshold for the minimum allele coverage allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
  -s INT                      The minimum required total coverage for a site when genotyping [default: 0]
  -D INT                      Minimum difference in coverage on a site required between the first and second maximum likelihood path [default: 0]
  -F INT                      Minimum allele coverage, as a fraction of the expected coverage, allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
  -E,--gt-error-rate FLOAT    When genotyping, assume that coverage on alternative alleles arises as a result of an error process with rate -E. [default: 0.01]
  -G,--gt-conf INT            Minimum genotype confidence (GT_CONF) required to make a call [default: 1]

Discover novel variants

This will look for regions in the pangraph where the reads do not map and attempt to locally assemble these regions to find novel variants.
The input file is the same as for compare - i.e. can handle multiple samples at a time.

$ pandora discover --help
Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample and discover novel variants.
Usage: src/ext/pandora discover [OPTIONS] <TARGET> <QUERY_IDX>

  <TARGET> FILE [required]    An indexed PRG file (in fasta format)
  <QUERY_IDX> FILE [required] A tab-delimited file where each line is a sample identifier followed by the path to the fast{a,q} of reads for that sample

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  --discover-k INT:[0-32)     K-mer size to use when discovering novel variants [default: 15]
  --max-ins INT               Max. insertion size for novel variants. Warning: setting too long may impair performance [default: 15]
  --covg-threshold INT        Positions with coverage less than this will be tagged for variant discovery [default: 3]
  -l INT                      Min. length of consecutive positions below coverage threshold to trigger variant discovery [default: 1]
  -L INT                      Max. length of consecutive positions below coverage threshold to trigger variant discovery [default: 30]
  -d,--merge INT              Merge candidate variant intervals within distance [default: 15]
  -N INT                      Maximum number of candidate variants allowed for a candidate region [default: 25]
  --min-dbg-dp INT            Minimum node/kmer depth in the de Bruijn graph used for discovering variants [default: 2]
  -v                          Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity

  -w INT                      Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
  -k INT                      K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]

  -o,--outdir DIR             Directory to write output files to [default: "pandora_discover"]
  -t,--threads INT            Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
  --kg                        Save kmer graphs with forward and reverse coverage annotations for found loci
  -M,--mapped-reads           Save a fasta file for each loci containing read parts which overlapped it

Parameter Estimation:
  -e,--error-rate FLOAT       Estimated error rate for reads [default: 0.11]
  -g,--genome-size STR/INT    Estimated length of the genome - used for coverage estimation. Can pass string such as 4.4m, 100k etc. [default: 5000000]
  --bin                       Use binomial model for kmer coverages [default: negative binomial]

  -m,--max-diff INT           Maximum distance (bp) between consecutive hits within a cluster [default: 250]
  -c,--min-cluster-size INT   Minimum size of a cluster of hits between a read and a loci to consider the loci present [default: 10]

  -I,--illumina               Reads are from Illumina. Alters error rate used and adjusts for shorter reads

  --clean                     Add a step to clean and detangle the pangraph
  --clean-dbg                 Clean the local assembly de Bruijn graph
  --max-covg INT              Maximum coverage of reads to accept [default: 600]

Consensus/Variant Calling:
  --kmer-avg INT              Maximum number of kmers to average over when selecting the maximum likelihood path [default: 100]