Stencil Nightly Build #563
4 errors and 1 notice
Run /./.github/workflows/actions/test-core-screenshot:
1) [Mobile Safari] › src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts:242:9 › textarea: async label - md/ltr › textarea should re-render when label slot is added async
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /ionic/src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts-snapshots/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-Mobile-Safari-linux.png
Received: /ionic/test-results/src-components-textarea-te-d93af-n-label-slot-is-added-async-Mobile-Safari/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-actual.png
Diff: /ionic/test-results/src-components-textarea-te-d93af-n-label-slot-is-added-async-Mobile-Safari/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-diff.png
Call log:
- expect.toHaveScreenshot(textarea-async-label-md-ltr.png) with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('ion-textarea')
- locator resolved to <ion-textarea fill="solid" placeholder="Text Input" label-placement="stacked" class="sc-ion-textarea-md-h md label-floating textarea-fill-solid textarea-label-placement-stacked hydrated">…</ion-textarea>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('ion-textarea')
- locator resolved to <ion-textarea fill="solid" placeholder="Text Input" label-placement="stacked" class="sc-ion-textarea-md-h md label-floating textarea-fill-solid textarea-label-placement-stacked hydrated">…</ion-textarea>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
260 | await page.waitForChanges();
261 |
> 262 | await expect(textarea).toHaveScreenshot(screenshot(`textarea-async-label`));
| ^
263 | });
264 | });
265 | test.describe(title('textarea: flex in grid rendering'), () => {
at /ionic/src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts:262:30
Run /./.github/workflows/actions/test-core-screenshot:
1) [Mobile Safari] › src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts:242:9 › textarea: async label - md/ltr › textarea should re-render when label slot is added async
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /ionic/src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts-snapshots/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-Mobile-Safari-linux.png
Received: /ionic/test-results/src-components-textarea-te-d93af-n-label-slot-is-added-async-Mobile-Safari-retry1/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-actual.png
Diff: /ionic/test-results/src-components-textarea-te-d93af-n-label-slot-is-added-async-Mobile-Safari-retry1/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-diff.png
Call log:
- expect.toHaveScreenshot(textarea-async-label-md-ltr.png) with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('ion-textarea')
- locator resolved to <ion-textarea fill="solid" placeholder="Text Input" label-placement="stacked" class="sc-ion-textarea-md-h md label-floating textarea-fill-solid textarea-label-placement-stacked hydrated">…</ion-textarea>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('ion-textarea')
- locator resolved to <ion-textarea fill="solid" placeholder="Text Input" label-placement="stacked" class="sc-ion-textarea-md-h md label-floating textarea-fill-solid textarea-label-placement-stacked hydrated">…</ion-textarea>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
260 | await page.waitForChanges();
261 |
> 262 | await expect(textarea).toHaveScreenshot(screenshot(`textarea-async-label`));
| ^
263 | });
264 | });
265 | test.describe(title('textarea: flex in grid rendering'), () => {
at /ionic/src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts:262:30
Run /./.github/workflows/actions/test-core-screenshot:
1) [Mobile Safari] › src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts:242:9 › textarea: async label - md/ltr › textarea should re-render when label slot is added async
Retry #2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /ionic/src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts-snapshots/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-Mobile-Safari-linux.png
Received: /ionic/test-results/src-components-textarea-te-d93af-n-label-slot-is-added-async-Mobile-Safari-retry2/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-actual.png
Diff: /ionic/test-results/src-components-textarea-te-d93af-n-label-slot-is-added-async-Mobile-Safari-retry2/textarea-async-label-md-ltr-diff.png
Call log:
- expect.toHaveScreenshot(textarea-async-label-md-ltr.png) with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('ion-textarea')
- locator resolved to <ion-textarea fill="solid" placeholder="Text Input" label-placement="stacked" class="sc-ion-textarea-md-h md label-floating textarea-fill-solid textarea-label-placement-stacked hydrated">…</ion-textarea>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('ion-textarea')
- locator resolved to <ion-textarea fill="solid" placeholder="Text Input" label-placement="stacked" class="sc-ion-textarea-md-h md label-floating textarea-fill-solid textarea-label-placement-stacked hydrated">…</ion-textarea>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- Expected an image 390px by 76px, received 390px by 57px. 1203 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
260 | await page.waitForChanges();
261 |
> 262 | await expect(textarea).toHaveScreenshot(screenshot(`textarea-async-label`));
| ^
263 | });
264 | });
265 | test.describe(title('textarea: flex in grid rendering'), () => {
at /ionic/src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts:262:30
Run /./.github/workflows/actions/test-core-screenshot
Process completed with exit code 1.
Run /./.github/workflows/actions/test-core-screenshot
1 failed
[Mobile Safari] › src/components/textarea/test/label-placement/textarea.e2e.ts:242:9 › textarea: async label - md/ltr › textarea should re-render when label slot is added async
9 skipped
378 passed (4.4m)