urlShortener is a very simple app that allows users to shorten their original urls and share shortened urls with other users.
By default, it uses MYSQL database. Database configuration can be altered in ./config/database.js
Database credentials are set in .env file. Properties that you'll need are:
run 'npm install' from the root dir to install all dependencies
To perform migration, use the following command from the root dir:
./ace migration:run
(or for windows:) node ./ace migration:run
Some app configuration is available at ./config/custom.js, namely default lentgth for generated urls and default url storing time in seconds (before entry gets deleted)
To run the app, use:
npm run serve
npm run serve:dev
from the root dir.
Amount of short url usage is stored in hit_count field od the 'urlpairs' table.
API for short url creation is represent by sole method:
POST shorten
- originalURL — URL to shorten
- shortURL — suggested short URL
A JSON-encoded object including 'error' and 'success' keys, where 'error' should be empty and 'success' should equal to 1. In case of success, the object should also include 'shortUrl' key equal to short url string
POST shorten?originalURL=ya.ru&shortURL=2j45gf34
"success" : "1",
"shortUrl" : "https://yourcoolsite.com/2j45gf34"