This repository contains the guard checker of Coq implemented in Coq, using the MetaCoq project, as part of Yee-Jian Tan's M1 internship in Cambium, Inria Paris, supervised by Yannick Forster.
opam switch create metacoq-guard --packages="ocaml-variants.4.14.1+options,ocaml-option-flambda"
eval $(opam env --switch=metacoq-guard)
opam repo add coq-released
opam pin -n -y ""
opam install coq-metacoq-template coq-metacoq-utils
make -j
From MetaCoq.Guarded Require Import plugin.
From MetaCoq Require Import Utils.bytestring.
Open Scope bs.
(* define your fixpoint *)
Fixpoint add (m n : nat) : nat :=
match m with
| O => n
| S m' => add m' (S n)
MetaCoq Run (check_fix add).
(* accepts a boolean flag on the expected guardedness. *)
MetaCoq Run (check_fix_ci true add).
This project is based on