Found a mutation in one or more samples? Now you want to check if they are in another sample. Unfortunately mutect, varscan or whatever other variant caller is not calling them. Use SUFAM. The super sensitive validation caller that calls everything on a given position. All you need is a vcf with the mutations that you are interested in and the sam/bam file of the sample where you want to find the same inconsipicuous mutation.
pip install sufam
usage: sufam [-h] [--sample_name SAMPLE_NAME [SAMPLE_NAME ...]] [--format {matrix,sufam,vcf}] [--mpileup-parameters MPILEUP_PARAMETERS] [--version] reffa vcf bam [bam ...] So U Found A Mutation? (SUFAM) Found a mutation in one or more samples? Now you want to check if they are in another sample. Unfortunately mutect, varscan or whatever other variant caller is not calling them. Use SUFAM. The super sensitive validation caller that calls everything on a given position. All you need is a vcf with the mutations that you are interested in and the sam/bam file of the sample where you want to find the same inconsipicuous mutation. Author: inodb positional arguments: reffa Reference genome (fasta) vcf VCF with mutations to be validated bam BAMs to find mutations in (only --format vcf supports > 1) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --sample_name SAMPLE_NAME [SAMPLE_NAME ...] Set name of sample, used in output [name of bam]. --format {matrix,sufam,vcf} Set output format [sufam] --mpileup-parameters MPILEUP_PARAMETERS Set options for mpileup [--ignore-RG --min-MQ 1 --max- depth 250000 --max-idepth 250000] --version show program's version number and exit
VCF file like:
#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO 17 7574012 COSM11286,COSM214290 C G 100 PASS . 17 7574012 COSM11286,COSM214290 C A 100 PASS .
Check if given mutations are in a bam file:
sufam human_g1k_v37_chr17.fa mutations.vcf subset1.bam 2> example/sufam.log > example/sufam.tsv
Or if you want vcf output where sufam output is added as GT/AD/DP format fields in input vcf:
sufam --format vcf human_g1k_v37_chr17.fa mutations.vcf subset1.bam > example/sufam.vcf
Or for multiple bams in a single vcf:
sufam --sample_name subset1 subset2 subset3 \ --format vcf \ human_g1k_v37_chr17.fa \ mutations.vcf \ subset1.bam subset2.bam \ subset3.bam \ > example/sufam_multibam.vcf
In root dir run:
For individual tests:
nosetests -s tests/