Gributils-annotator is an annotation service from streams of positional messages. It annotates messages with weather data from a gributils server for the time and place of the message. Messages are sent and received in newline separated json format over simple tcp sockets, and the json attribute names used and time format are all GPSD compatible.
Example input:
{"lat": 3.14, "lon": 15.92, "timestamp": "1970-01-01T01:02:03.123456Z", "other": "data"}
{"lat": 3.14,
"lon": 15.92,
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T01:02:03.123456Z",
"other": "data",
"grib": [{'parameterName': 'P Pressure', 'parameterUnit': 'Pa', 'value': 101633.03125000001}
{'parameterName': 'U component of wind', 'parameterUnit': 'm s-1', 'value': -2.898160457611084},
{'parameterName': 'V component of wind', 'parameterUnit': 'm s-1', 'value': 2.705005645751954}]}
python3 install
cp config.json.example config.json
gributils-annotator --config config.json
(cd docker; docker build --tag gributils-annotator . )
docker run \
-p 1024:1024 \
-p 1025:1025 \
-e 'CONFIG={"index": "http://gribindexer:1028", "connections": [{"handler": "source", "type": "listen", "address": "tcp:1024"}, {"handler": "destination", "type": "listen", "address": "tcp:1025"}]}' \