This is a tool as part of the InkyBlackness project, written in Go. It randomizes the reactor code of save-game files that specific versions of the "System Shock Enhanced Edition" set to a static value.
When multiple files are modified in one go, they all receive the same code.
reactor-rng <savefile>...
reactor-rng -h | --help
reactor-rng --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
C:\Folder\To\Game\Data> reactor-rng SAVGAM00.DAT SAVGAM01.DAT
Processing <C:\Folder\To\Game\Data\SAVGAM00.DAT>...
Reading file.
Modifying game state.
Changing code.
Applying code where it is needed on Citadel.
Saving file.
Processing <C:\Folder\To\Game\Data\SAVGAM01.DAT>...
Reading file.
Modifying game state.
Changing code.
Applying code where it is needed on Citadel.
Saving file.
The project is available under the terms of the New BSD License (see LICENSE file).