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Christian Haas edited this page Jan 6, 2019 · 1 revision

The window named "Game Objects" provides all the global properties of objects that can be placed in a level (See Level Objects on how to do that).

hacked-v1 3 0

Object Types are categorised in Object Classes.

This window allows the modification of the following things for each object:

  • Names (stored in cybstrng.res and related)
  • Primary Bitmaps (stored in objart.res)
  • Global properties (stored in objprop.dat)

Global Properties

To modify the global properties, the mod you are working on needs to contain the objprop.dat file. This file needs to be copied by hand into the mod directory before loading it. The editor does not create this file automatically.

Note on separate cdrom and hd directories of various releases: Both directories contain such a file. It seems that the file from the hd directory is taken. So, when changing the original files, this one needs to be overwritten.

Global properties are divided into

  • Common properties, which all object have, such as weight or hitpoints
  • Generic properties, which are the same for all objects of the same class, such as ammo type for guns
  • Specific properties, which are the same for all objets of the same subclass, such as timer time for timed explosives

When such properties are changed, it is recommended to restart the engine.

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