This is a workflow for UAS data processing and the database management in the Center for Geospatial Analytics at NCSU The database is stored on the google drive The host is [email protected] (UAS/uav_timeseries), this folder is accesible (to view) for anyone in the domain. Request access for viewing/editing by contacting [email protected]
- The workflow for the processing is described in the file
- The workflow for the GRASS processing (generating DSM for hydrological modeling) on fatra - see GRASS processing folder
Database structure (database organization file)
- data is organized in folders YYYY_MM_DD (where YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day)
- In each folder, there is a subfolder flight_data containing
- imagery (pictures captured by UAS) and
- a flight log
- DSM - DSMagi_YYYY_MM_DD.tif
- Orthophoto - ortho_YYYY_MM_DD_.tif
- Pointcloud - points_YYYY_MM_DD.las
- Model -
- Processing report - report_YYYY_MM_DD.pdf
For the outputs that have been chosen for further analysis (because of the quality of the outputs and suitability for modeling) there are packed files ready to upload to GRASS
- orthophoto ortho_YYYY_MM_DD.pack
- full extent, fine resolution 0.1m
- DSM - DSMagi_YYYY_MM_DD.pack
- full extent, fine resolution 0.15m
- DSM (interpolated) - hydroDSM_YYYY_MM_DD.pack
- limited extent, the same for all DSMs, resolution: 0.3m
- for the workflow for interpolation refer to file
- DSM (interpolated, trees removed) - hydroDSM_YYYY_MM_DD_DSM_notrees.pack
- limited extent, the same for all DSMs, trees removed for hydrological modeling, resolution: 0.3m
- for the workflow for interpolation refer to file