This package is based on the official alfresco-js-api package.
Classes dealing with the Alfresco 5.2+ API for PHP. Most of the functionalities of the original package are present.
In order to have all the auto-suggestion, try to work with an IDE which understand the properties property-read
and method
of the PHPDoc.
I advise you to use PHPStorm or Intellij Idea which natively understand those properties.
composer require infiniityr/alfresco-php-api:dev-master
Initialize the class AlfrescoApi
with the configuration array.
$config = [
'hostEcm' => 'http://localhost:8080',
//'context' => 'alfresco',
//'disableCsrf' => true
$alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi($config);
Then you can login to Alfresco.
$alfrescoApi->login('login', 'password')->wait();
After that, just call the APIs as presented in the documentation.
//Get all sites
->then(function(SitePaging $sites) {
foreach ($sites->list->entries as $entry) {
print_r(json_encode($entry) . "\n");
//Create a site
$siteBody = new SiteBody('Site Test PHP');
$siteBody->id = 'new_site_id';
->then(function($data) {
print_r("Site CREATED\n");
A lot of stuff is still in progress.
- Unit tests of all models
- Unit tests of all apis
- Include all Activiti APIs
- Include Oauth2 Authentication