7.1 Feauture and Security Release
- [FEATURE] Add support for PHP 8 and 8.1 - thx to Stefan Busemann, Bastien Lutz, Mathias Bolt Lesniak, Thomas Löffler, Johannes Seipelt
- [BUGFIX] Re-fetch session from database to update 'userSession' property of TSFE. Thx to Thomas Off [email protected]
- [BUGFIX] Add hash check for inivtation action - thx to Max Schäfer & Dennis Schober-Wenger
- [REFACTOR] Remove deprecated code and introduce rector - thx to Thomas Löffler
Upgrade Instruction:
If you are using customized templates for the invitation function, please check the Resources/Private/Templates/Invitation/Edit.html
You need to add
<f:form.hidden name="hash" value="{hash}"/>
in order,that the function is working.