Full-stack JavaScript web application, which is represents online shop with client-sever model.
Backend part is realised by Express.js in integration with PostgreSQL. Database is connected to server by Sequelize.
Fronted part is realised by React with Redux. Authorization on the site uses JWT technology.
The application includes:
Backend part with controllers and routers for HTTP
Sequelize models instances and associations
Methods handled file uploading and static data management
Custom middleware and error handling
Frontend part with private and public routes for react router
Redux state store with slices
React, react-router hooks
React UI components directory
Axios inctances and requests
as DBMSSequelize
for providing cross-domain requestsJWT
for securely transmitting information
as programming languageReact Router
v6 for various routes definingAxios
for HTTP requestsRedux
as state manager with Redux ToolkitJWT
for securely transmitting information
npm run dev command starts server part
npm start command starts client part