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Projeto criado para mostrar meu conhecimento para o mundo.

Technologies  |   Services  |   Packages  |   Getting started  |   Features  |   Links  |   Versioning  |   License


🚀 Technologies

Here are the technologies used in this project.

  • ReactJS 18.2.0
  • NextJS 13.4.1

📋 Services

Here are the services used in this project.

📦 Packages

Here are the packages used in this project.

  • tailwind CSS -> Used for design styling.
  • react-icons -> Library with various icon providers for react.
  • eslint -> Used to format and bring a pattern to the project.

💻 Getting started

Here are the commands and steps on how to start the project.


  • NodeJS
  • NPM (Package manager of your choice)


  • install the dependencies using a package manager, the one used in the project was NPM.
npm install
  • To start the project on your machine using NPM.
npm run dev
  • To build the project using NPM.
npm run build
  • To run the project in production using NPM.
npm run start

🔥 Features

Here are the main features of the project.

  • Responsive layout.
  • Simple use.

📎 Links

🔰 Versioning

Here are the versions of the parts of the project.

  • Web -> 1.0.0

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT license.

Made with ♥ by zFelpszada 🚀