This repository contains the implementation for the Sign Language Translation from Instructional Videos paper, accepted at CVPR WiCV 2023. The citation of the paper is at the end of this README. See our project website here. Download our paper in pdf here and find it on arXiv.
All the scripts are located inside examples/sign_language/scripts.
Clone this repository, create the conda environment and install Fairseq:
git clone [email protected]:imatge-upc/slt_how2sign_wicv2023.git
cd fairseq
conda env create -f ./examples/sign_language/environment.yml
conda activate slt-how2sign-wicv2023
pip install --editable .
The execution of scripts is managed with Task. Please follow the installation instructions in the official documentation. We recommend using the following
sh -c "$(curl --location" -- -d -b path-to-env/slt-how2sign-wicv2023/bin
The I3D keypoints and .tsv are in the dataverse. Once you have them, they should follow this structure:
├── data/
│ └── how2sign/
│ ├── i3d_features/
│ │ ├── cvpr23.fairseq.i3d.test.how2sign.tsv
│ │ ├── cvpr23.fairseq.i3d.train.how2sign.tsv
│ │ ├── cvpr23.fairseq.i3d.val.how2sign.tsv
│ │ ├── train/
│ │ │ ├── --7E2sU6zP4_10-5-rgb_front.npy
│ │ │ ├── --7E2sU6zP4_11-5-rgb_front.npy
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ ├── val/
│ │ │ ├── -d5dN54tH2E_0-1-rgb_front.npy
│ │ │ ├── -d5dN54tH2E_1-1-rgb_front.npy
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── test/
│ │ ├── -fZc293MpJk_0-1-rgb_front.npy
│ │ ├── -fZc293MpJk_1-1-rgb_front.npy
│ │ └── ...
│ └── vocab/
│ ├── cvpr23.train.how2sign.unigram7000_lowercased.model
│ ├── cvpr23.train.how2sign.unigram7000_lowercased.txt
│ └── cvpr23.train.how2sign.unigram7000_lowercased.vocab
└── final_models/
└── baseline_6_3_dp03_wd_2/
├── ckpts
├── generates
└── hydra_outputs
Each of the folder partitions contain the corresponding I3D features in .npy files, provided by previous work, that correspond to each How2Sign sentence.
In addition, we provide the .tsv
files for all the partitions that contains the metadata about each of the sentences, such as translations, path to .npy
file, duration.
Notice that you might need to manually change the path of the signs_file
Given that our model operated on preprocessed text, we need to build a tokenizer with a lowercased text.
cd examples/sign_language/
task how2sign:train_sentencepiece_lowercased
Previously to the call of the function, a FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/sign_language/.env
file should be defined with the following variables:
FAIRSEQ_ROOT: path/to/fairseq
SAVE_DIR: path/to/tsv
FEATS: i3d
To be able to replicate our results, we provide our trained models, find that in data/how2sign/vocab
As explained in the paper, we are using rBLEU as a metric. The blacklist can be found in: FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/sign_language/scripts/blacklisted_words.txt
As per fairseq documentation, we work with config files that can be found in CONFIG_DIR = FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/sign_language/config/wicv_cvpr23/i3d_best
. Select the name of the .yaml files as the experiment name desired. For the final model, select baseline_6_3_dp03_wd_2
export EXPERIMENT=baseline_6_3_dp03_wd_2
task train_slt
Remember to have a GPU available and the environment activated. Previously to the call of the function, the .env should be updated with the following variables:
DATA_DIR: path/to/i3d/folders
CONFIG_DIR: FAIRSEQ_ROOT/examples/sign_language/config/i3d_best
task generate
Similarly to other tasks, the .env should be updated:
CKPT: name_checkpoint, for example:
SUBSET: cvpr23.fairseq.i3d.test.how2sign
SPM_MODEL: path/to/cvpr23.train.how2sign.unigram7000_lowercased.model
The task generate
generates a folder in the output file called generates/partition
with a checkpoint.out file that contains both the generations and the metrics for the partition.
Script python scripts/
analizes raw data and outputs final BLEU and rBLEU scores, call it after the task generate
in the following manner:
python scripts/ --generates-dir path/to/generates --vocab-dir path/to/vocab --experiment baseline_6_3_dp03_wd_2 --partition test --checkpoint checkpoint_best
The weigts of our best-performing model can be found on the dataverse
- If you find this work useful, please consider citing:
@InProceedings{slt-how2sign-wicv2023, author = {Laia Tarrés and Gerard I. Gállego and Amanda Duarte and Jordi Torres and Xavier Giró-i-Nieto}, title = {Sign Language Translation from Instructional Videos}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) :Workshops}, year = {2023} }- Some scripts from this repository use the GNU Parallel software. > Tange, Ole. (2022). GNU Parallel 20220722 ('Roe vs Wade'). Zenodo.
Check the original Fairseq README to learn how to use this toolkit.