Lightweight client for Moodle REST web services
- Linux/Windows
- Python 3.6
Login to your moodle, go to Site administration -> Plugins -> Web services -> Overview
and follow the instructions to enable web services and generate authorization token. Make sure to check the following while going through this process:
- Activate REST protocol
- Assign a service to the token which has all the functions. So that, call of any capability can get response from your moodle.
Clone the git repository.
Install the dependent libraries (packages) from requirements.txt.
Make sure that MySQL Server is up and running with the following credentials: If you want the plugin to adapt MySQL server settings of your own then setup your credentials in moodle-middleware/
host = "" database = "moodle-middleware" user = "root" pass = ""
Deploy the sql file moodle-middleware/database/moodle-middleware.sql on MySQL Server to create moodle table in the database.
Run the plugin:
- App runs on Flask Server at "http://localhost:5000"
- For Development Puspose only!
- App runs on Gunicorn Server at "http://localhost:5001"
Refer to this documentation for api calls.