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OP-TEE Remote Attestation with VERAISON Verification.

This document explains how to set up the OP-TEE Remote Attestation and VERAISON Verification using QEMU and Docker containers. It can run on Rasperry Pi 3B+ (Arm Cortex-A TrustZone).

The following figure shows the steps for provisioning (0), remote attestation (1)-(5), and secure communication (6).


Current Implementation and future work is presented at FOSDEM 2025 Attestation Devroom

The code for this remote attestation is merged at OP-TEE


To run the developed artifacts, you need to prepare an environment that meets the following requirements:

  • Docker is installed
  • Docker daemon is running
  • Ensure that 30-40GB of disk space is available for Docker (you can check this with docker system df). If the available space is insufficient, it is recommended to free up space using docker system prune --volumes --all.
  • jq is installed (on Ubuntu, you can install it with sudo apt-get install jq)

Execution Method

Follow these steps from 0 to 6 to test the entire process of remote attestation.

0. Clone this GitHub repository

First, retrieve the source code for optee-ra by running git clone.

git clone
cd optee-ra

1. Starting the Services Provided by Veraison

Retrieve the Veraison source from GitHub.

git clone
cd services && git checkout b50b67d && cd ..

You may see the following message, but it is not a problem.

Note: switching to 'b50b67d'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at b50b67d Merge pull request #208 from aj-stein-nist/patch-1

Next, start the services that will run on the host machine. You can start Veraison with the following commands. Note that the startup process may take some time.

make -C services docker-deploy

After starting the services, you can check their status with the following command. If you are using zsh, execute source services/deployments/docker/env.zsh instead of source services/deployments/docker/env.bash .

source services/deployments/docker/env.bash
veraison status

If the Veraison services start successfully, you will get output similar to the following.

         vts: running
provisioning: running
verification: running
  management: running
    keycloak: running

2. Executing the Provisioning

Use the following commands to register the trust anchor and reference value with the Verifier. These values are used to verify the evidence sent by the Attester. If you want to change the values to be registered, modify the files under provisioning/data.


You can check the registered values with the following command.

veraison stores

If the registration is successful, you will get the following output. This indicates the values registered with the Verifier.

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "trust anchor",
  "subType": "",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.iak-pub": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEMKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8A\niTo7Tu6KPAqv7D7gS2XpJFbZiItSs3m9+9Ue6GnvHw/GW2ZZaVtszggXIw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.inst-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI"

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "reference value",
  "subType": "PSA_IOT.sw-component",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-desc": "sha-256",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-type": "PRoT",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-value": "MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc=",
    "PSA_IOT.signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="

TRUST ANCHORS indicate the data used to verify the signature of the evidence sent by the Attester. The evidence sent by the Attester includes impl-id and inst-id, which the Verifier uses to identify which TRUST ANCHOR to use for verification. The Verifier uses the identified signature key (public key) to verify the evidence in CBOR(COSE) format.

  • iak-pub: The public key used to verify the signature of the evidence (In this project, the ECDSA w/ SHA256 algorithm is used for signatures. This is because the generated evidence is in CBOR(COSE) format, which conforms to the specifications in RFC 8152).
  • impl-id: The ID of the Attester
  • inst-id: The ID of the public key

ENDORSEMENTS indicate the data (oracle) used to verify the content of the evidence sent by the Attester. The evidence sent by the Attester includes impl-id and measurement-value, which the Verifier uses to identify which ENDORSEMENT to compare with the received evidence. The Verifier compares the measurement-value recorded in the identified ENDORSEMENT with the measurement-value included in the received evidence to verify the correctness of the code hash value. For other items and more detailed information, please refer to the specification Arm's Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Attestation Token.

  • impl-id: The ID of the Attester
  • measurement-value: The code hash value (In this project, the SHA256 of the TA code that calls the PTA)

3. Starting the Relying Party

Next, start the container for the Relying Party and run the application. The Relying Party receives requests from the Attester and mediates communication between the Attester and the Verifier. Additionally, when the Verifier sends the attestation results, the Relying Party outputs them to the log.


You can check the logs of the Relying Party with the following command.

docker logs relying-party-service

If it starts successfully, you will get output similar to the following.

go build -o rp main.go
2024/02/22 05:17:54 Relying party is starting...

4. Starting the Attester

Next, start the Attester, which will send the attestation request. An environment to run the Attester on QEMU within the container is prepared. Follow these five steps to start the container and run the communication program with the Verifier.

4.1. Starting the Container

Run the following command to enter the Docker container. Note that the initial execution may take some time to build the image, so it can take several minutes for the container to start.


4.2. Opening the Normal World Terminal

Open another terminal, separate from the one where you started the container in step 4.1, and execute the following command. This prepares a terminal to connect to the normal world of the Attester running on QEMU.

./attester/container/ normal

4.3. Opening the Secure World Terminal

Open another terminal, separate from the ones used in steps 4.1 and 4.2, and execute the following command. This prepares a terminal to connect to the secure world of the Attester running on QEMU.

./attester/container/ secure

4.4. Building User-Added CA/TA/PTA, Starting QEMU, and Logging In

In the terminal started in step 4.1, execute the following command. This command edits /optee/optee_os/core/pta/ to add the line subdirs-y += remote_attestation, rebuilds the added application, and starts QEMU.

echo "subdirs-y += remote_attestation" >> /optee/optee_os/core/pta/

Once QEMU has started, enter c.

(qemu) c

Next, log in as the test user on the normal world terminal (the terminal started in step 2).

buildroot login: test

4.5. Running the Program

The program is started on the normal world terminal. To run the developed evidence generation program, use the following command.


If executed correctly, you will get the following output on the normal world terminal.

Opened new Veraison client session at http://relying-party-service:8087/challenge-response/v1/session/ed70cc0d-d141-11ee-9588-623338313838

Number of media types accepted: 7
	application/eat-collection; profile=
	application/eat-cwt; profile=

Nonce size: 32 bytes
Nonce: [0x60, 0x48, 0xbd, 0x24, 0x55, 0xdb, 0x8a, 0x4, 0x6e, 0xcc, 0x7, 0x20, 0x40, 0x26, 0x87, 0xd0, 0x60, 0x72, 0xd, 0x95, 0x45, 0x57, 0x92, 0xa5, 0x36, 0xf4, 0x84, 0x52, 0xd5, 0xee, 0x5d, 0xbe]

Completed opening the session.

Invoke TA.
Invoked TA successfully.

Received evidence of CBOR (COSE) format from PTA.

CBOR(COSE) size: 306
CBOR(COSE): 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

Supplying the generated evidence to the server.

Received the attestation result from the server.

Raw attestation result (JWT): eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlYXIudmVyaWZpZXItaWQiOnsiYnVpbGQiOiJOL0EiLCJkZXZlbG9wZXIiOiJWZXJhaXNvbiBQcm9qZWN0In0sImVhdF9ub25jZSI6IllFaTlKRlhiaWdSdXpBY2dRQ2FIMEdCeURaVkZWNUtsTnZTRVV0WHVYYjQ9IiwiZWF0X3Byb2ZpbGUiOiJ0YWc6Z2l0aHViLmNvbSwyMDIzOnZlcmFpc29uL2VhciIsImlhdCI6MTcwODU3OTE1OSwic3VibW9kcyI6eyJQU0FfSU9UIjp7ImVhci5hcHByYWlzYWwtcG9saWN5LWlkIjoicG9saWN5OlBTQV9JT1QiLCJlYXIuc3RhdHVzIjoiYWZmaXJtaW5nIiwiZWFyLnRydXN0d29ydGhpbmVzcy12ZWN0b3IiOnsiY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiI6MCwiZXhlY3V0YWJsZXMiOjIsImZpbGUtc3lzdGVtIjowLCJoYXJkd2FyZSI6MiwiaW5zdGFuY2UtaWRlbnRpdHkiOjIsInJ1bnRpbWUtb3BhcXVlIjoyLCJzb3VyY2VkLWRhdGEiOjAsInN0b3JhZ2Utb3BhcXVlIjoyfSwiZWFyLnZlcmFpc29uLmFubm90YXRlZC1ldmlkZW5jZSI6eyJlYXQtcHJvZmlsZSI6Imh0dHA6Ly9hcm0uY29tL3BzYS8yLjAuMCIsInBzYS1jbGllbnQtaWQiOjEsInBzYS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZCI6IllXTnRaUzFwYlhCc1pXMWxiblJoZEdsdmJpMXBaQzB3TURBd01EQXdNREU9IiwicHNhLWluc3RhbmNlLWlkIjoiQWM3cnJudUpKNk1pZmxNRHoxNFBIM3MwdTFRcTF5VUt3RCs4M2pic0x4VUkiLCJwc2Etbm9uY2UiOiJZRWk5SkZYYmlnUnV6QWNnUUNhSDBHQnlEWlZGVjVLbE52U0VVdFh1WGI0PSIsInBzYS1zZWN1cml0eS1saWZlY3ljbGUiOjEyMjg4LCJwc2Etc29mdHdhcmUtY29tcG9uZW50cyI6W3sibWVhc3VyZW1lbnQtdHlwZSI6IlBSb1QiLCJtZWFzdXJlbWVudC12YWx1ZSI6Ik1iZ0ZxalQ0amZSK2ZLMU80WXlRdFpVWUQwbmhYaDdHZmhNMEVtUjZ0Z2M9Iiwic2lnbmVyLWlkIjoickxzUngrVGFJWElGVWp6a3pob2tXdUdpT2E0OGEvMmVlSEgzNWRpNjZHcz0ifV19fX19.PCUUBd6tyV2WdXuM07de3-ZFpKdoL-uEP7yeP1zNEJOpEJ9sVUDJkINI3nalh7nno2etEitbQABZxBCsy_6tKg

Disposing client session.

Completed sending the evidence and receiving the attestation result.

5. Performing Verification and Checking Results

Open another terminal and use the following command to check the logs of the relying party terminal.

docker logs relying-party-service

The attestation result is recorded in the ear.status field. If it is affirming, it means that the correct attetation result was obtained.

2024/02/22 05:19:18 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/newSession?nonceSize=32
2024/02/22 05:19:18 Received response: 201 Created
2024/02/22 05:19:19 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/session/ed70cc0d-d141-11ee-9588-623338313838
2024/02/22 05:19:19 Received response: 200 OK
2024/02/22 05:19:19 Attestation result: >> "/tmp/1442613949.jwt" signature successfully verified using "pkey.json"
    "ear.verifier-id": {
        "build": "N/A",
        "developer": "Veraison Project"
    "eat_nonce": "YEi9JFXbigRuzAcgQCaH0GByDZVFV5KlNvSEUtXuXb4=",
    "eat_profile": ",2023:veraison/ear",
    "iat": 1708579159,
    "submods": {
        "PSA_IOT": {
            "ear.appraisal-policy-id": "policy:PSA_IOT",
            "ear.status": "affirming",
            "ear.trustworthiness-vector": {
                "configuration": 0,
                "executables": 2,
                "file-system": 0,
                "hardware": 2,
                "instance-identity": 2,
                "runtime-opaque": 2,
                "sourced-data": 0,
                "storage-opaque": 2
            "ear.veraison.annotated-evidence": {
                "eat-profile": "",
                "psa-client-id": 1,
                "psa-implementation-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
                "psa-instance-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI",
                "psa-nonce": "YEi9JFXbigRuzAcgQCaH0GByDZVFV5KlNvSEUtXuXb4=",
                "psa-security-lifecycle": 12288,
                "psa-software-components": [
                        "measurement-type": "PRoT",
                        "measurement-value": "MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc=",
                        "signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="
[trustworthiness vectors]
Instance Identity [affirming]: The Attesting Environment is recognized, and the associated instance of the Attester is not known to be compromised.
Configuration [none]: The Evidence received is insufficient to make a conclusion.
Executables [affirming]: Only a recognized genuine set of approved executables, scripts, files, and/or objects have been loaded during and after the boot process.
File System [none]: The Evidence received is insufficient to make a conclusion.
Hardware [affirming]: An Attester has passed its hardware and/or firmware verifications needed to demonstrate that these are genuine/supported.
Runtime Opaque [affirming]: the Attester's executing Target Environment and Attesting Environments are encrypted and within Trusted Execution Environment(s) opaque to the operating system, virtual machine manager, and peer applications.
Storage Opaque [affirming]: the Attester encrypts all secrets in persistent storage via using keys which are never visible outside an HSM or the Trusted Execution Environment hardware.
Sourced Data [none]: The Evidence received is insufficient to make a conclusion.

6. Scenario for Sending Attestation Requests from Different TAs

So far, we have verified the flow of successful remote attestation. Next, we will check the scenarios where attestation requests from different TAs fail and where attestation is allowed by registering a new endorsement.

6.1. Attestation Request from an Unregistered TA

First, we will verify the flow where remote attestation fails by sending a request to the PTA from an unregistered TA. For example, if you rewrite the IMPLEMENTATION_ID in attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h, the code hash and implementation ID of the TA will change, and the content of the CBOR(COSE) evidence generated by the PTA will also change. As a result, since it differs from the provisioned data, attestation should fail.

diff --git a/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h b/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h
index 4380753..d9cad98 100644
--- a/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h
+++ b/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 /* Implementation ID used in PSA evidence */
-#define IMPLEMENTATION_ID     "acme-implementation-id-000000001"
+#define IMPLEMENTATION_ID     "acme-implementation-id-000000002"
 #if defined(HOST_BUILD)

Actually, after rewriting the code, send the attestation request. In the terminal where you started QEMU in step 4.4, press ctrl+c to exit QEMU. Then, follow step 4.4 again to rebuild the TA and restart QEMU (there is no need to re-run the echo command to add the subdirs-y += remote_attestation line).

After that, follow step 4.5 to send the attestation request, and follow step 5 to check the results. You will get an attestation result similar to the following. The "ear.status": "contraindicated" indicates that the attestation has failed.

2024/02/22 05:36:19 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/newSession?nonceSize=32
2024/02/22 05:36:19 Received response: 201 Created
2024/02/22 05:36:20 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/session/4e2f256e-d144-11ee-9588-623338313838
2024/02/22 05:36:20 Received response: 200 OK
2024/02/22 05:36:20 Attestation result: >> "/tmp/3383640462.jwt" signature successfully verified using "pkey.json"
    "ear.verifier-id": {
        "build": "commit-b50b67d",
        "developer": "Veraison Project"
    "eat_nonce": "J5um9vO4NYv8hYqPXUWsYuuWgW0TLV0qoZGQk3EnIUg=",
    "eat_profile": ",2023:veraison/ear",
    "iat": 1708580180,
    "submods": {
        "PSA_IOT": {
            "ear.appraisal-policy-id": "policy:PSA_IOT",
            "ear.status": "contraindicated",
            "ear.trustworthiness-vector": {
                "configuration": 99,
                "executables": 99,
                "file-system": 99,
                "hardware": 99,
                "instance-identity": 99,
                "runtime-opaque": 99,
                "sourced-data": 99,
                "storage-opaque": 99
            "ear.veraison.policy-claims": {
                "problem": "no trust anchor for evidence"
[trustworthiness vectors]
Instance Identity [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Configuration [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Executables [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
File System [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Hardware [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Runtime Opaque [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Storage Opaque [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Sourced Data [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.

6.2. Registering a New TA with Provisioning

First, check the code hash value of the new TA. Currently, when a request to generate evidence is sent to the PTA, the code hash value is output to the secure terminal for debugging purposes. Specifically, there is a line like the one below, where gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY= is the base64 encoded value of the code hash.

D/TC:? 0 cmd_get_cbor_evidence:82 b64_measurement_value: gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY=

Register this value with provisioning. To do this, modify the digests field in provisioning/data/comid-psa-refval.json as follows: Also, since the implementation ID has been changed to acme-implementation-id-000000002, modify the psa.impl-id fields in both provisioning/data/comid-psa-refval.json and provisioning/data/comid-psa-ta.json as follows. Note that the psa.impl-id field must register the base64 encoded value of the implementation ID. For example, you can calculate it with a command like echo -n "acme-implementation-id-000000002" | base64.

diff --git a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json
index fd7965a..db675c1 100644
--- a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json
+++ b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
           "class": {
             "id": {
               "type": "psa.impl-id",
-              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE="
+              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI="
             "vendor": "ACME",
             "model": "RoadRunner"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
             "value": {
               "digests": [
-                "sha-256;MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc="
+                "sha-256;gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY="
diff --git a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json
index 7396dbd..9a813c3 100644
--- a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json
+++ b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
           "class": {
             "id": {
               "type": "psa.impl-id",
-              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE="
+              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI="
             "vendor": "ACME",
             "model": "RoadRunner"

After that, follow step 2 to re-execute the provisioning. As a result, you will see that two TRUST ANCHORS and ENDORSEMENTS are registered, and you can confirm that only the PSA_IOT.impl-id and PSA_IOT.measurement-value parts are different.

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "trust anchor",
  "subType": "",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.iak-pub": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEMKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8A\niTo7Tu6KPAqv7D7gS2XpJFbZiItSs3m9+9Ue6GnvHw/GW2ZZaVtszggXIw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.inst-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI"
  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "trust anchor",
  "subType": "",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.iak-pub": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEMKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8A\niTo7Tu6KPAqv7D7gS2XpJFbZiItSs3m9+9Ue6GnvHw/GW2ZZaVtszggXIw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI=",
    "PSA_IOT.inst-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI"

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "reference value",
  "subType": "PSA_IOT.sw-component",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-desc": "sha-256",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-type": "PRoT",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-value": "MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc=",
    "PSA_IOT.signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="
  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "reference value",
  "subType": "PSA_IOT.sw-component",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI=",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-desc": "sha-256",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-type": "PRoT",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-value": "gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY=",
    "PSA_IOT.signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="

After that, follow step 4.5 to send the attestation request, and follow step 5 to check the results. You will get an attestation result similar to the following. The "ear.status": "affirming" indicates that the attestation has been successful.

    "ear.verifier-id": {
        "build": "N/A",
        "developer": "Veraison Project"
    "eat_nonce": "yBULiGEcBq8wtk5xwRikzPZt1GAV5n8L0nXgPY03jHo=",
    "eat_profile": ",2023:veraison/ear",
    "iat": 1708581024,
    "submods": {
        "PSA_IOT": {
            "ear.appraisal-policy-id": "policy:PSA_IOT",
            "ear.status": "affirming",
            "ear.trustworthiness-vector": {
                "configuration": 0,
                "executables": 2,
                "file-system": 0,
                "hardware": 2,
                "instance-identity": 2,
                "runtime-opaque": 2,
                "sourced-data": 0,
                "storage-opaque": 2
            "ear.veraison.annotated-evidence": {
                "eat-profile": "",
                "psa-client-id": 1,
                "psa-implementation-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI=",
                "psa-instance-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI",
                "psa-nonce": "yBULiGEcBq8wtk5xwRikzPZt1GAV5n8L0nXgPY03jHo=",
                "psa-security-lifecycle": 12288,
                "psa-software-components": [
                        "measurement-type": "PRoT",
                        "measurement-value": "gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY=",
                        "signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="

7. Cleanup

You can stop the containers and other resources that were started for this test with the following commands.

make -C services really-clean
docker stop relying-party-service
docker network rm veraison-net


This work was supported by JST, CREST Grant Number JPMJCR21M3 (ZeroTrust IoT Project), Japan.

日本語解説 OP-TEE Remote Attestation with VERAISON Verification

このドキュメントではQEMUとDockerコンテナを用いたOP-TEE Remote Attestation 実行環境の構築と、VERAISON Verification を活用した一連の動作を確認手順を説明します。 OP-TEEはRaspberry Pi 3B+ (Arm Cortex-A TrustZone)でも動作が確認できています。




  • Docker がインストールされていること
  • Docker デーモンが稼働していること
  • Docker 用に30-40GBのディスクが残っていること(docker system dfで確認できる。容量が少なければdocker system prune --volumes --allで確保を勧める。)
  • jq がインストールされていること(Ubuntu であれば、sudo apt-get install jq


以下の 0 から 6 の手順に従い、リモートアテステーションの一連の流れをテストしてください。

0. このgithubのクローン

最初にgit cloneによりoptee-raのソースを取り寄せます。

git clone
cd optee-ra

1. Veraison が提供するサービスの起動


git clone
cd services && git checkout b50b67d && cd ..


Note: switching to 'b50b67d'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at b50b67d Merge pull request #208 from aj-stein-nist/patch-1

次にホストマシン上で動作させるサービスを起動します。 以下のコマンドにより、Veraison を起動することができます。起動には時間がかかります。

make -C services docker-deploy

サービスを起動した後、以下のコマンドで、サービスの状態を確認することができます。zsh を使っている場合、source services/deployments/docker/env.bash の代わりに source services/deployments/docker/env.zsh を実行してください。

source services/deployments/docker/env.bash
veraison status

正常に、Veraison のサービスが起動した場合、以下のような出力が得られます。

         vts: running
provisioning: running
verification: running
  management: running
    keycloak: running

2. Provisioning の実行

以下のコマンドで、Verifier に対して、trust anchorreference value を登録します。これらの値は Attester から送信された evidence の検証に用いられます。登録する値を変更したい場合は provisoning/data 以下のファイルを改変してください。



veraison stores

登録が成功すると、以下のような出力が得られます。これは Verifier に登録された値を示しています。

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "trust anchor",
  "subType": "",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.iak-pub": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEMKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8A\niTo7Tu6KPAqv7D7gS2XpJFbZiItSs3m9+9Ue6GnvHw/GW2ZZaVtszggXIw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.inst-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI"

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "reference value",
  "subType": "PSA_IOT.sw-component",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-desc": "sha-256",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-type": "PRoT",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-value": "MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc=",
    "PSA_IOT.signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="

TRUST ANCHORS は Attester から送信された evidence の署名を検証するためのデータを示しています。Attester から送信される evidence には impl-idinst-id が含まれており、Verifier は受信した evidence をどの TRUST ANCHOR で検証するかを識別するためにそれらを用います。Verifier は識別された署名鍵(公開鍵)を用いて、CBOR(COSE) 形式の evidence を検証します。

  • iak-pub: evidence の署名を検証するための公開鍵(本プロジェクトでは ECDSA w/ SHA256 アルゴリズムが署名に用いられます。これは生成する evidence の形式が CBOR(COSE) であり、その仕様 RFC 8152 に準拠したものです。)
  • impl-id: Attester の ID
  • inst-id: 公開鍵の ID

ENDORSEMENTS は Attester から送信された evidence の内容を検証するためのデータ(オラクル)を示しています。Attester から送信される evidence には impl-idmeasurment-value が含まれており、Verifier は受信した evidence をどの ENDORSEMENT と比較するかを識別するために impl-id を用います。Verifier は識別された ENDORSEMENT に記録されている measurement-value と受信した evidence に含まれる measurement-value を比較して、コードハッシュ値の正しさを検証します。その他の項目やより詳細な情報は仕様 Arm's Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Attestation Token を確認してください。

  • impl-id: Attester の ID
  • measurement-value: コードハッシュ値(本プロジェクトでは PTA を呼び出す TA コードの SHA256)

3. Relying Party の起動

次に、Relying Party を実行するためのコンテナを起動し、アプリケーションを実行します。Relying Party は、Attester からのリクエストを受け、Attester と Verifier の間の通信を仲介します。また、Verifier からアテステーション結果を受信すると、それをログに出力します。


以下のコマンドで Relying Party のログは確認できます。

docker logs relying-party-service


go build -o rp main.go
2024/02/22 05:17:54 Relying party is starting...

4. Attester の起動

次に、アテステーションリクエストを送信する Attester を起動します。コンテナ上の QEMU の上で Attester を動作させる環境を準備しています。以下の 5 つの手順に従い、コンテナの起動し、 Verifier との通信プログラムを実行してください。

4.1. コンテナの起動

以下のコマンドを実行すると、Docker コンテナ上に入ります。注意として、初期実行時にはイメージのビルドに時間がかかるため、コンテナが起動するのに数十分かかることがあります。


4.2. normal world のターミナルを開く

手順 4.1. でコンテナを起動したターミナルとは別のターミナルを開き、以下を実行してください。QEMU 上で実行する Attester の normal world に接続する用のターミナルが準備されます。

./attester/container/ normal

4.3. secure world のターミナルを開く

手順 4.1. と 4.2. で使用したターミナルとは別のターミナルを開き、以下を実行してください。QEMU 上で実行する Attester の secure world に接続する用のターミナルが準備されます。

./attester/container/ secure

4.4. ユーザが追加した CA/TA/PTA のビルドと、QEMU の起動とログイン

手順 4.1. で起動したターミナルで以下コマンドをを実行してください。以下のコマンでは /optee/optee_os/core/pta/ を編集し、subdirs-y += remote_attestation の行を追加し、追加したアプリケーションを再ビルドし、QEMUを立ち上げます。

echo "subdirs-y += remote_attestation" >> /optee/optee_os/core/pta/

QEMU が立ち上がったら、c を入力します。

(qemu) c

次に、normal world のターミナル(2. で起動したターミナル)上で、test ユーザでログインします。

buildroot login: test

4.5. プログラムの実行

プログラムは normal world のターミナル上で起動します。 開発した evidence 生成プログラムを実行する場合は、以下のコマンドで実行できます。


正しく実行できた場合、以下のような出力が noromal world のターミナルで得られます。

Opened new Veraison client session at http://relying-party-service:8087/challenge-response/v1/session/ed70cc0d-d141-11ee-9588-623338313838

Number of media types accepted: 7
	application/eat-collection; profile=
	application/eat-cwt; profile=

Nonce size: 32 bytes
Nonce: [0x60, 0x48, 0xbd, 0x24, 0x55, 0xdb, 0x8a, 0x4, 0x6e, 0xcc, 0x7, 0x20, 0x40, 0x26, 0x87, 0xd0, 0x60, 0x72, 0xd, 0x95, 0x45, 0x57, 0x92, 0xa5, 0x36, 0xf4, 0x84, 0x52, 0xd5, 0xee, 0x5d, 0xbe]

Completed opening the session.

Invoke TA.
Invoked TA successfully.

Received evidence of CBOR (COSE) format from PTA.

CBOR(COSE) size: 306
CBOR(COSE): 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

Supplying the generated evidence to the server.

Received the attestation result from the server.

Raw attestation result (JWT): eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.PCUUBd6tyV2WdXuM07de3-ZFpKdoL-uEP7yeP1zNEJOpEJ9sVUDJkINI3nalh7nno2etEitbQABZxBCsy_6tKg

Disposing client session.

Completed sending the evidence and receiving the attestation result.

5. 検証の実行と結果の確認

もう一つターミナルを開き、以下のコマンドでrelying party のターミナルのログを確認できます。

docker logs relying-party-service

アテステーション結果は ear.status の欄に記載されており、affirming であれば正しいアテステーション結果が得られたことを意味しています。

2024/02/22 05:19:18 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/newSession?nonceSize=32
2024/02/22 05:19:18 Received response: 201 Created
2024/02/22 05:19:19 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/session/ed70cc0d-d141-11ee-9588-623338313838
2024/02/22 05:19:19 Received response: 200 OK
2024/02/22 05:19:19 Attestation result: >> "/tmp/1442613949.jwt" signature successfully verified using "pkey.json"
    "ear.verifier-id": {
        "build": "N/A",
        "developer": "Veraison Project"
    "eat_nonce": "YEi9JFXbigRuzAcgQCaH0GByDZVFV5KlNvSEUtXuXb4=",
    "eat_profile": ",2023:veraison/ear",
    "iat": 1708579159,
    "submods": {
        "PSA_IOT": {
            "ear.appraisal-policy-id": "policy:PSA_IOT",
            "ear.status": "affirming",
            "ear.trustworthiness-vector": {
                "configuration": 0,
                "executables": 2,
                "file-system": 0,
                "hardware": 2,
                "instance-identity": 2,
                "runtime-opaque": 2,
                "sourced-data": 0,
                "storage-opaque": 2
            "ear.veraison.annotated-evidence": {
                "eat-profile": "",
                "psa-client-id": 1,
                "psa-implementation-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
                "psa-instance-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI",
                "psa-nonce": "YEi9JFXbigRuzAcgQCaH0GByDZVFV5KlNvSEUtXuXb4=",
                "psa-security-lifecycle": 12288,
                "psa-software-components": [
                        "measurement-type": "PRoT",
                        "measurement-value": "MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc=",
                        "signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="
[trustworthiness vectors]
Instance Identity [affirming]: The Attesting Environment is recognized, and the associated instance of the Attester is not known to be compromised.
Configuration [none]: The Evidence received is insufficient to make a conclusion.
Executables [affirming]: Only a recognized genuine set of approved executables, scripts, files, and/or objects have been loaded during and after the boot process.
File System [none]: The Evidence received is insufficient to make a conclusion.
Hardware [affirming]: An Attester has passed its hardware and/or firmware verifications needed to demonstrate that these are genuine/supported.
Runtime Opaque [affirming]: the Attester's executing Target Environment and Attesting Environments are encrypted and within Trusted Execution Environment(s) opaque to the operating system, virtual machine manager, and peer applications.
Storage Opaque [affirming]: the Attester encrypts all secrets in persistent storage via using keys which are never visible outside an HSM or the Trusted Execution Environment hardware.
Sourced Data [none]: The Evidence received is insufficient to make a conclusion.

6. 異なる TA からアテステーションリクエストを送信するシナリオ

ここまでで、リモートアテステーションが成功する一連の流れを確認しました。次に、異なる TA からアテステーションリクエストを送った際に失敗するシナリオと、新たな endorsment を登録することでアテステーションが成功されるシナリオを確認します。

6.1. 登録されていない TA からのアテステーションリクエスト

はじめに、録されてない TA から PTA にリクエストを送り、リモートアテステーションが失敗する流れを確認します。例えば、以下のように attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.hIMPLEMENTATION_ID を書き換えると、TA のコードハッシュと implementation ID が変わり、PTA が生成する CBOR(COSE) evidence の内容が変わります。これにより、provisioning されているデータと異なるので、アテステーションが失敗するはずです。

diff --git a/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h b/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h
index 4380753..d9cad98 100644
--- a/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h
+++ b/attester/remote_attestation/ta/include/remote_attestation_ta.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 /* Implementation ID used in PSA evidence */
-#define IMPLEMENTATION_ID     "acme-implementation-id-000000001"
+#define IMPLEMENTATION_ID     "acme-implementation-id-000000002"
 #if defined(HOST_BUILD)

実際に、コードを書き換えた後にアテステーションリクエストを送信してみます。手順 4.4. で QEMU を起動したターミナルで ctrl+c をして、一度 QEMU を終了します。その後、もう一度手順 4.4 に従い、TA の再ビルド・QEMU の再起動をします(echo コマンドで subdirs-y += remote_attestation の行を追加するコマンドを再実行する必要はないです)。

その後、手順 4.5. に従い、アテステーションリクエストを送り、手順 5. に従い結果を確認すると、以下のようなアテステーション結果が得られます。"ear.status": "contraindicated" になっており、アテステーションに失敗していることがわかります。

2024/02/22 05:36:19 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/newSession?nonceSize=32
2024/02/22 05:36:19 Received response: 201 Created
2024/02/22 05:36:20 Received request: POST /challenge-response/v1/session/4e2f256e-d144-11ee-9588-623338313838
2024/02/22 05:36:20 Received response: 200 OK
2024/02/22 05:36:20 Attestation result: >> "/tmp/3383640462.jwt" signature successfully verified using "pkey.json"
    "ear.verifier-id": {
        "build": "commit-b50b67d",
        "developer": "Veraison Project"
    "eat_nonce": "J5um9vO4NYv8hYqPXUWsYuuWgW0TLV0qoZGQk3EnIUg=",
    "eat_profile": ",2023:veraison/ear",
    "iat": 1708580180,
    "submods": {
        "PSA_IOT": {
            "ear.appraisal-policy-id": "policy:PSA_IOT",
            "ear.status": "contraindicated",
            "ear.trustworthiness-vector": {
                "configuration": 99,
                "executables": 99,
                "file-system": 99,
                "hardware": 99,
                "instance-identity": 99,
                "runtime-opaque": 99,
                "sourced-data": 99,
                "storage-opaque": 99
            "ear.veraison.policy-claims": {
                "problem": "no trust anchor for evidence"
[trustworthiness vectors]
Instance Identity [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Configuration [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Executables [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
File System [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Hardware [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Runtime Opaque [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Storage Opaque [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.
Sourced Data [contraindicated]: Cryptographic validation of the Evidence has failed.

6.2. provisioning で新たな TA を登録する

はじめに、新たな TA のコードハッシュ値を確認します。現在、PTA に evidence 生成リクエストを送ると、secure terminal にコードハッシュ値がデバッグ用に出力される実装になっています。具体的には以下のような一行があり、gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY= がコードハッシュ値を base64 エンコードした値です。

D/TC:? 0 cmd_get_cbor_evidence:82 b64_measurement_value: gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY=

この値を provisioning で登録します。そのためには、provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.jsondigests の欄を以下のように書き換えてください。 また、implementation ID も acme-implementation-id-000000002 に変更しているため、provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.jsonprovisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.jsonpsa.impl-id の欄を以下のように書き換えてください。注意しとして、psa.impl-id の欄は implementation ID を base64 エンコードした値を登録する必要があります。例えば、echo -n "acme-implementation-id-000000002" | base64 のようなコマンドで計算できます。

diff --git a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json
index fd7965a..db675c1 100644
--- a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json
+++ b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-refval.json
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
           "class": {
             "id": {
               "type": "psa.impl-id",
-              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE="
+              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI="
             "vendor": "ACME",
             "model": "RoadRunner"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
             "value": {
               "digests": [
-                "sha-256;MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc="
+                "sha-256;gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY="
diff --git a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json
index 7396dbd..9a813c3 100644
--- a/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json
+++ b/provisoning/data/comid-psa-ta.json
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
           "class": {
             "id": {
               "type": "psa.impl-id",
-              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE="
+              "value": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI="
             "vendor": "ACME",
             "model": "RoadRunner"

その後、手順 2. に従い、provisioning を再実行します。その結果、以下のように二つの TRUST ANCHORSENDORSEMENTS が登録され、PSA_IOT.impl-idPSA_IOT.measurement-value の部分のみが異なることを確認できます。

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "trust anchor",
  "subType": "",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.iak-pub": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEMKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8A\niTo7Tu6KPAqv7D7gS2XpJFbZiItSs3m9+9Ue6GnvHw/GW2ZZaVtszggXIw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.inst-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI"
  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "trust anchor",
  "subType": "",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.iak-pub": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEMKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8A\niTo7Tu6KPAqv7D7gS2XpJFbZiItSs3m9+9Ue6GnvHw/GW2ZZaVtszggXIw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI=",
    "PSA_IOT.inst-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI"

  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "reference value",
  "subType": "PSA_IOT.sw-component",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDE=",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-desc": "sha-256",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-type": "PRoT",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-value": "MbgFqjT4jfR+fK1O4YyQtZUYD0nhXh7GfhM0EmR6tgc=",
    "PSA_IOT.signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="
  "scheme": "PSA_IOT",
  "type": "reference value",
  "subType": "PSA_IOT.sw-component",
  "attributes": {
    "PSA_IOT.hw-model": "RoadRunner",
    "PSA_IOT.hw-vendor": "ACME",
    "PSA_IOT.impl-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI=",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-desc": "sha-256",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-type": "PRoT",
    "PSA_IOT.measurement-value": "gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY=",
    "PSA_IOT.signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="

その後、手順 4.5. に従いアテステーションリクエストを送り、手順 5. に従い結果を確認すると、以下のようなアテステーション結果が得られます。"ear.status": "affirming" になっており、アテステーションに成功していることがわかります。

    "ear.verifier-id": {
        "build": "N/A",
        "developer": "Veraison Project"
    "eat_nonce": "yBULiGEcBq8wtk5xwRikzPZt1GAV5n8L0nXgPY03jHo=",
    "eat_profile": ",2023:veraison/ear",
    "iat": 1708581024,
    "submods": {
        "PSA_IOT": {
            "ear.appraisal-policy-id": "policy:PSA_IOT",
            "ear.status": "affirming",
            "ear.trustworthiness-vector": {
                "configuration": 0,
                "executables": 2,
                "file-system": 0,
                "hardware": 2,
                "instance-identity": 2,
                "runtime-opaque": 2,
                "sourced-data": 0,
                "storage-opaque": 2
            "ear.veraison.annotated-evidence": {
                "eat-profile": "",
                "psa-client-id": 1,
                "psa-implementation-id": "YWNtZS1pbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbi1pZC0wMDAwMDAwMDI=",
                "psa-instance-id": "Ac7rrnuJJ6MiflMDz14PH3s0u1Qq1yUKwD+83jbsLxUI",
                "psa-nonce": "yBULiGEcBq8wtk5xwRikzPZt1GAV5n8L0nXgPY03jHo=",
                "psa-security-lifecycle": 12288,
                "psa-software-components": [
                        "measurement-type": "PRoT",
                        "measurement-value": "gw9v98IV8ozl5nHpsMwl9W5nGGC0bzAYMPShwvff0vY=",
                        "signer-id": "rLsRx+TaIXIFUjzkzhokWuGiOa48a/2eeHH35di66Gs="

7. クリーンアップ


make -C services really-clean
docker stop relying-party-service
docker network rm veraison-net


研究は、JST、CREST、JPMJCR21M3 (Zero Trust IoT プロジェクト) の支援を受けたものです。


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