This is the official code repository for the paper LingML: Linguistic-Informed Machine Learning for Enhanced Fake News Detection.
- config - configuration files for different datasets and LLM models
- data_classes - Python classes to handle different datasets, and make them suitable for training
- datasets - raw datasets in csv format
- aaai-constraint-covid - original dataset by Patwa et al., 2020
- aaai-constraint-covid-appended - original dataset with appended linguistic features retrieved using LIWC-22
- aaai-constraint-covid-cleaned - dataset constructed by eliminating records identified by Bee et al., 2023, as being neither true nor false in the context of COVID-19
- aaai-constraint-covid-cleaned-appended - cleaned dataset with appended linguistic features
- model_classes - Python classes to handle 11 transformer-based LLMs
- all models need special implementation for incorporating language features
- number of output heads needed to be changed from 3 to 2 for Twitter-RoEBRTa
- results - results of the different runs
- directory structure - <dataset> -> <model> -> <run-date> -> training logs and <data-split_results>
- utils - utility functions for running the transformer experiments
- analysis.ipynb - notebook to consolidate results
- - main file for running the transformer experiments
- plotting.ipynb - notebook to generate plots for results of experiments in xml.ipynb
- xml.ipynb - notebook running the experiments using simple machine learning algorithms with the language features
conda create --name <env-name> --file requirements.txt python=3.8
conda activate <env-name>
To run the transformer experiments, execute
python3 -B \
--dataset <dataset> \
--model <model>
where dataset can be one of
- aaai-constraint-covid
- aaai-constraint-covid-appended
- aaai-constraint-covid-cleaned
- aaai-constraint-covid-cleaned-appended
and model can be one of
- albert-base-v2 - Base version of ALBERT model with a randomly initialized sequence classification head. See HF model card.
- bart-base - Base version of BART model. See HF model card.
- bert-base-uncased - Base version of BERT model. See HF model card.
- bertweet-covid-19-base-uncased - Base version of BERTweet model, a RoBERTa model pre-trained on ~850M tweets, ~5M of which were COVID-19 related. See HF model card.
- covid-twitter-bert-v2 - CT-BERT Model, which is a large BERT model pre-trained on ~97M COVID-related tweets. See HF model card.
- distilbert-base-uncased - Base version of DistilBERT model, a distilled version of BERT, i.e. a smaller model trained with BERT as a teacher. See HF model card.
- longformer-base-4096 - Base version of Longformer model, which is a BERT-like model started from the RoBERTa checkpoint and pretrained for MLM on long documents. See HF model card.
- roberta-base - Base version of RoBERTa model. See HF model card.
- twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest - Base version of Twitter-RoBERTa model, which is a RoBERTa-base model trained on ~124M tweets, and finetuned for sentiment analysis with the TweetEval benchmark. See HF model card.
- xlm-mlm-en-2048 - XLM model trained with masked language modeling (MLM) objective. See HF model card.
- xlm-roberta-base - Base version of XLM-RoBERTa model, a multilingual version of RoBERTa. See HF model card.
- xlnet-base-uncased - Base version of XLNet model. See HF model card.
You can also override default configurations using the command line. For example,
python3 -B \
--dataset <dataset> \
--model <model> \
DATASET.args.root <dataset-root> \
For inference, execute
python3 -B \
--dataset <dataset> \
--model <model> \
--weights <path-to-weights>
For example,
python3 -B \
--dataset aaai-constraint-covid \
--model covid-twitter-bert-v2 \
--weights "./results/aaai-constraint-covid/CT-BERT/2023-12-19-00-28-08/ckpt5350.pth"
Note: Make sure to set the device index to None if you do not wish to use the GPU, i.e.
python3 -B \
--dataset <dataset> \
--model <model> \
If you use this work, kindly cite it as
title={LingML: Linguistic-Informed Machine Learning for Enhanced Fake News Detection},
author={Jasraj Singh and Fang Liu and Hong Xu and Bee Chin Ng and Wei Zhang},