This role privisions new accounts in LDAP, sets their home directory quota on XFS NFS file server, sends user an initial password via challenge-response sms, and sends notification of completion via Slack.
Two types of accounts are created:
The only difference between the two would be size of XFS quota, 100G vs 2G, as well as email addresses stored in LDAP. This resulted from an environment where non-standard users were granted access to enterprise resources.
You can disable the collabrator if desired by editing create_user.yml.
In scratch.yml the role will also create defined directories on GPFS scratch.
You must have Ansible 2.0 installed.
You need an account with Twilio
You need Slack
OpenLDAP directory server
CentOS 6 or 7
XFS on your NFS servers
SSH keys and Sudo configured appropriately for all servers you're running the role upon
Manager access to your LDAP server or a service account with proper ACLs
In create_user.yml check for presence of ldif before removing
Populate gids from LDAP in vars/main.yml rather than defining them manually
Replace manual challenge response steps in csms.yml and rsms.yml with automated process such as application that verifies user identity
Break up variables in vars/main.yml into separate files as it's rather large.
Here are some variables in the role which can be passed at the command line using Ansible extra vars "-e var=blah:"
host: blah # Host to run play against which contains ldap tools - passed to create_user.yml
user: blah # User to create - passed to create_user.yml
group: blah # Existing group in LDAP for user - passed to create_user.yml
gecos: blah # First and Last name for user - passed to create_user.yml
number: blah # Cell Phone to send SMS - passed to challenge.yml and rsms.yml
Note, .yml in roles/accounts/tasks will only run if conditionals [create, remove, email, csms, rsms] met so you must define them at command line:
create: [] # Defining 'create' will run create_user.yml
remove: [] # Defining 'remove' will run remove_user.yml
email: [] # Defining 'email' will run email.yml
csms: [] # Defining 'csms' will run challenge.yml
rsms: [] # Defining 'rsms' will run rsms.yml
Create user in LDAP:
ansible-playbook accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e user=user -e group=lab -e gecos='full name' -e create=[]" --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass
Remove user from LDAP:
ansible-playbook accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e user=user -e remove=[]" --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass
Set home directory for user:
ansible-playbook accounts.yml "-e hosts=nfs_server -e user=user-e group=lab -e create=[]" --sudo -K -t xfs --ask-vault-pass
ansible-playbook accounts.yml "-e hosts=nfs_server -e user=user -e group=lab -e collab=[]" --sudo -K -t xfs --ask-vault-pass
Send challenge:
ansible-playbook accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e csms=[] -e number=+1phone -e user=user" -t csms --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass
Send response:
ansible-playbook accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e rsms=[] -e number=+1phone -e user=user" -t rsms --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass
Note, you can use a bash function in ~/.bashrc to make these easier to use.
For example:
newuser() { ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_HOME/accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e user=$1 -e group=$2 -e gecos='$3' -e create=[]" --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass ; }
rmuser() { ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_HOME/accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e user=$1 -e remove=[]" --sudo -t remove -K --ask-vault-pass ; }
collab() { ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_HOME/accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e user=$1 -e group=$2 -e gecos='$3' -e email=$4 -e collab=[]" --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass; }
csms() { ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_HOME/accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e user=$1 -e number=+1$2 -e csms=[]" -t csms --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass ; }
rsms() { ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_HOME/accounts.yml "-e hosts=gpfs_node -e user=$1 -e number=+1$2 -e rsms=[]" -t rsms --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass ; }
Thus to create a collab account type in bash:
collab user lab 'full name' [email protected]
Douglas Duckworth [email protected]