This module manage ideabiz tokens and it will refresh token and continue API calls
For setup this code, you need to include this module to your project
Then Impliment lk.dialog.ideabiz.library.APICall.DataProvider.DataProviderInterface
##DataProviderInterface With your data management machanisame, save token and provide way to read and update token So you can impliment this based on MYSQL or File. Please refer sample code for this
* @param timeout in ms
* @param ideabizOAuthDataProviderInterface
//Contruct API Call
APICall apiCall = new APICall(1000,new MySQLIdeabizOAuthDataProviderImpl());
* @param `oauthId` App Id (this for use multiple apps on one system)
* @param `url` full url to APICall
* @param `method` Method GET POST PUT DELETE
* @param `headers` Header array
* @param `body` raw body as string
* @param `async` Send API call asynchronous or not
* @return
* @throws Exception
//Setting headers
Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>();
header.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
header.put("Accept", "application/json");
try {
//Send API Call
apiCall.sendAuthAPICall(1, "", "POST", header, "{SAMPLE BODY}", false);
} catch (Exception e) {