Aggregator service provides a simple way to query information about a multi-cluster system. It launches a server that, when connected, returns available data about clusters and their states.
Topology information and infrastructure data is served via HTTP following the data structure defined in the Swagger documentation located at ./docs.
Two different servers are implemented: HTTP and gRPC. They listen on the provided port passed as enviroment variable and call the models module every time a client request is received. It is possible to choose among any of them to be launched or to start both at the same time.
Data taxonomy is defined in models.go as Golang structs. The file modeler.go sends different queries (using querier.go) to Thanos and stores the received data. Once completed, it returns all the information in JSON format for web server and in the proto buffer defined format for gRPC server.
Creates Prometheus API client and sends a query to Thanos. It retrieves the metrics and returns them in a response vector.
docker build . -t icos-aggregator
- PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS: The address where Prometheus/Thanos is located.
- HTTP_PORT: If set, HTTP server is launched at port HTTP_PORT.
- GRPC_PORT: If set, gRPC server is launched at port GRPC_PORT.
- KEY: If set, Keycloak is enabled and public key set as KEY.
If no port is provided, aggregator launches an HTTP server at port 8080 by default.
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8181:8181 -e PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS= -e HTTP_PORT=8080 -e GRPC_PORT=8181 icos-aggregator
(Note: HTTP_PORT/GRPC_PORT must be published with the option -p to be able to run the container correctly)
Current Key:
curl localhost:8080
export AGGR_ADDRESS=localhost && export GRPC_PORT=8182 && go run test/protobuf/etim/server_client.go
The Aggregator is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Copyright © 2022-2024 Bull SAS. All rights reserved.
🇪🇺 This work has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070177.